If water is LIFE, Wetlands are our lungs. Our Indigenous peoples have long understood the importance of the life giving and sustaining properties of wetlands. If only we would listen, we can save all our relations, all connections, all life.
Krista Kilian
Wetlands as a key component of the ecosystem provide; regulatory services, provision services, and cultural services. Its value and benefits tell humanity to make its conservation and sustainability a must for indigenes in wetlands communities.
Adu Mensah Junior
Bruit de l'eau qui coule, présence vivante qui fait vivre nos voisins animaux et des plantes superbes, odeur de l'eau qui stagne, promesse de mille richesses, voilà ma zone humide.
clarisse Holik
#Hondurasfuentedeagua #Hondurasfuentedecarbonoazul #Valoremosnuestrosrecursovaloremosahonduras #RestaurarHumedales
Darlenne Flores
GRACIAS a todas las organizaciones que velan por la conservación de los humedales y que tal vez no les reconozcamos sus acciones, pero quiero que sepan que el esfuerzo aunque sea poco o mucho vale y a lo que apoyan a los países en desarrollo.
Darlenne Flores
Le zone umide costituiscono un tassello fondamentale dell’ecosistema, della vita animale e umana e perciò si dovrebbe intervenire il più presto possibile per rimediare ai danni di chi non è stato capace di prendersi cura della loro fragile bellezza.
Vittoria Tomaselli
Los humedales están siendo afectados incluso en una pandemia mundial la cual es el Covid 19, el ser humano tiene que entender que la naturaleza nos esta haciendo un llamado de atención para que podamos actuar de una vez por todas en conservar.
Darlenne Flores
Le zone umide sono un elemento molto importante per il pianeta, forniscono acqua potabile, sono importanti per la regolazione delle piene dei fiumi, purificano l’ambiente catturando le sostanze tossiche e grazie al turismo aumentalacrescitaeconomica.
Caterina Celli
Wetlands are disappearing because of drainage actions and global warming. So, because of this things, they must be protected. Infacts, they capture and store water and improve its quality. Wetlands are also very important for environment.
Lavinia Maggi
È fondamentale preservare le zone umide in quanto sono la fonte di molte specie di animali e piante, per questo salvaguardare le zone umide significa proteggere la biodiversità di un ecosistema.
Secondo me le zone umide sono moto importanti e bisognerebbe valorizzarle per la loro bellezza e per la loro attrazione turistica
Davide Perego
Wetlands are much more important than we think, mostly for the ecosystem, the biodiversity and the people who lives there. So it is our job to defend these places to protect our future
Joy Roy
Le zone umide dal 1700 hanno subito una riduzione del 90% perché non era chiara la loro importanza. Queste zone ci proteggono da disastri naturali, inquinamento, forniscono cibo e acqua e in esse vive il 40% delle specie animali. Proteggiamole!
Paolo Mollichelli
Le zone umide sono importanti perchè ci forniscono di acqua potabile, catturano sostanze tossiche, ci difendono da alluvioni e inondazioni e contrastano il cambiamento climatico, perchè catturano il carbonio. Quindi bisogna tuterarle e proteggerle.
Letizia Vismara
Wetlands are very important ecosystems that supply us with drinking water, capture toxic substances, protect us from floods and fight climate change. We could limit water waste and change our daily life.
Bilal El Mazoury
Le zone umide sono parti integranti dell'ecosistema globale, essenziali per il futuro del pianeta. Dobbiamo preservare la biodiversità, insieme alle riserve idriche, e non importa se parliamo di un piccolo acquitrino o di un grande fiume.
Matteo Nava
The role of wetlands shouldn't be underrated. They're precious environments in many ways: economic, agricultural and ecological. Their destruction could have a serious environmental impact for that it's our responsability protect and safeguard them.
Greta Benedetti
Wetlands are important ecosystem that stand out for their flora and fauna, but they are also an important resource for people. So, for these reasons, we have to protect them, to not lose this beautiful and useful endscape.
Rebecca Dell'Uomo
wetlands should be protected to maintain biodiversity and avoid the extinction of some species of plants and animals. In addition, wetlands can prevent floods that would cause severe damage.
Thomas Berti
Le zone umide sono importanti sia per noi sia per le piante, quindi per gli esseri vivente, e bisogna proteggerle e prendercene cura
Rubens Santagada
Le zone umide sono molto importanti per la loro biodiversità (che comprende circa il 40% delle specie mondiali), per la loro protezione da alcune catastrofi naturali e per il grande utilizzo che se ne fa per quanto riguarda la pesca e l'agricoltura.
Tommaso Galli
Wetlands are ecologically important because of their biodiversity. The unique way in which they harmonize the species that depend on them and the environment around them shows how vital they are in the balance of nature. Lets protect the Wetlands!
Mattia Beretta
Wetlands are essential for humans. In addition to being fantastic ecosystems, in fact, they are also a fundamental freshwater reserve for humans. Without these wetlands, many likely species would become extinct and water supplies would decrease.
Raul Di Gioacchino
Le zone umide sono fondamentali perché depositi di acqua dolce direttamente utilizzabile dall'uomo, permettono la diffusione di fauna e in particolare flora, che fornisce ossigeno alla Terra e sono territori che regolano l'azione delle piene fluviali
Arpinati Lorenzo
Wetlands R important to all aspects of our life, they protect us, provide clean water & shelter young animals that we fish later. Wetlands are home to many different species, that R a precious resource. Thus, we're expected to take care of them.🌍
Andrea Fontanel
wetlands can offer different species of animals and plants that if we study, they can reveal in their organism properties able to fighting serious diseases.
Leonardo Tarko
Le zone umide regolano i flussi idrologici, depurano le acque, controllano l’erosione, contribuiscono alla riduzione dei cambiamenti climatici, tutelano piccole forme di biodiversità, regolano il ciclo idrologico e garantiscono a tutti acqua potabile
Elisabetta Ferrari
Children from Outeiro De Rei, Galicia, Spain learned about the importance of wetlands to all living and sentient species - including ours- and ask adults to respect their right to live in a ealthy environment. Time to join forces for change.
In Italia ci sono 53 zone umide ed è importante conoscerle e studiarle perché sono fondamentali per la vita quotidiana
Andrea Godina
Wetlands are very important resource for our children's future. We can't even live without clean water. So we organised some activities at our school to take attention of the parents and children.
Yonca Tansal
We are 14-17 years old teenagers from Turkey. There are 14 wetlands in Ramsar Convention.We know the international importance of the wetlands for the future of the Earth,mankind and all living things.Let's save our wetlands.
Eco Games in my Curriculum Turkish eTwinners
Turkey has 14 Ramsar wetland. The protection of these areas is very important for our future. Nature has offered us very special things, we must protect it.
the wetland are important because they give us the most important resourse in our lives
Juan Gamboa
It is very important to protect and conserve the few wetland areas left in the islands of the Maldives.. still islanders are not very much aware of the usefulness of these water bodies, in tackling with climate change and reducing disasters...
Aminath Dhunya
Bună ziua! Elevii echipei Biolexic din Colegiul ”Mihai Eminescu” Bacău au reușit să antreneze în sărbătorirea Zilei Mondiale a Zonelor Umede, 2 februarie 2021, mai multe instituții:https://sites.google.com/view/z-m-z-u2021cme/z-m-z-u_2021_cme
Constantina Hulea
I was at Banyule wetlands (Vic, Australia) and I was thinking of how this area was once farmland with grazing cattle. This ended some 30 years ago 1980. I am amazed what nature can do given the chance. An internationally renowned wetlands.wow
Pete Dynes
They are essential since it helps to purify water and contributes to the conservation of the environment
Jennifer Gutierrez
They're importants because offer benefits in regards food and other benefits
Edwin Diaz
Wetlands are important to sustain our lives, so we must all help each other to conserve and protect them, because without wetlands there is no life.
Cristian Moreno
I value wetlands because is a home for some animals ans is a place that we have to take care.
Yeison Cuervo
We can't live whitout water, then the wetlands are very important for the world.
Harvey Soto
I value the wetlands because purify our fresh water, and It's indisispensable for the ecosystem of the world
Fabian Marroquin
Happy Birthday! wetlands = water, wildlife, human!
gabriel maran
Namibia is celebrating World Wetlands Day at Avis Dam, Windhoek by way of a BioBlitz showcasing our wide variety of animals and plants after recent good rains.
Gudrun Middendorff
Happy Wetlands Day everyone! Make sure to take good care of our planet!
Yu Narukami
It is very important to value and care for the wetlands beacuse they give balance to nature as without them we don't have fresh water to drink
Maryoury Moros
Today, it seems that the importance of registering wetland cities is more important than registering wetlands themselves, due to the importance and role of people in protecting wetlands
masoud Bagherzadeh Karimi
Happy World Wetlands Day 2021! Lets pledge to protect the flora & fauna of the Wetlands in particular and to make the ecosystem of planet Earth balanced and sustainable.
Sougata Bhar
Hearty Greetings on World Wetlands Day 2021. Wishing all at RAMSAR a Very Happy & Prosperous Year ahead. Lets keep the planet Earth sustainable and protect its Ecosystem for survival and peace.
Sougata Bhar
Wetlands are places where you can be sure to see wildlife! And think about the water we rely on, without wetlands people will have big troubles in getting water!
Yimo Zhang
wetlands are the most productive landscape type! efforts to restore and protect them are vital causes!
Nirmala Navarro
Estados Unidos
Wetlands are home to many treasured species of wildlife, in particular water fowl. They also play a vital role in cleaning our water supply, acting as a filter. In addition, they’re beautiful.
Amanda Creasey
Estados Unidos
Wetlands are just mysterious and wondrous in the way they provide food and shelter for soooooooooo many species. I have wetlands less than a mile away, and only recently have understood their spectacular capacity and provisions. xoxoxoxox wetlands
Elizabeth Dougherty
Estados Unidos
Los maravillosos humedales son tan importantes en para nuestros ecosistemas son paraísos para muchísimas aves sobre todo a las migratorias. Cuidemos nuestros humedales.
antonio soler moreno
México cuenta con 6331 humedales tanto naturales como artificiales, de acuerdo al Inventario de Nacional de Humedales que coordina la Comisión Nacional del agua, de ellos 142 se encuentran registrados y protegidos por la convención Ramsar.
Diana Elizabeth Navarro-Flores
Wetlands have been at the heart of my connection with nature as a hunter, biologist and environmental citizen since I was young. They help sustain my mind, body and spirit.
Peter Joyce
Julio A. Salas Rabaza
Put simply, wetlands are essential for our continued existence on this planet. Love a wetland!
David Morley
Estados Unidos
Wetlands bring me so much joy, and as a wetland scientist, they also provide my bread and butter. As an ecosystem, wetland supports various plant and animal species that are unique, provide numerous ecosystem benefits.
Shilpa Sen
Estados Unidos
Wetlands are some of the most productive ecosystems on the planet, rivaling even tropical rainforests. I value their unique habitat for countless critters and their hydric soils that support plant life found no where else. Thank you Wetlands!
Kaden Ashdown
Estados Unidos
Wetlands are special habitat for a diverse world of organisms and a fascinating place to explore!
Bruce Kosugi
Wetlands need to be saved,constructing wetlands near industry exposed to high levels of pollution.
Ekezie Victor
Wetlands must be saved because eliminating them is like stealing the home of many animal species.
Giorgia Cattaneo
Wetlands must be saved because eliminating them is like stealing the home of many animal species.
Giorgia Cattaneo
I love wetlands for their resilience and the role they play as nurseries and sanctuaries for so many species
Leslie Hatch
Estados Unidos
En Tamaulipas, México los Humedales son maravillosos, conocer su dinámica es mágico, comprender su función e interacción con las especies de aves migratorias y los servicios ambientales que ofrece. El IEA de la UAT realiza estudios para conservación
Eleazar Benítez
I love the vernal pools that develop here in Michigan as the winter snow melts and fill up depressions that erupt with life as spring blossoms. There are so many unique and obscure creatures in these areas that inspire a child-like fascination in me.
Patrick Scanlon
Estados Unidos
Our Caribbean island is proud to have breeding flamingos and lots of migratory birds. Pride alone won't do the job, we must educate and motivate all citizen to understand this important ecosystem. TIP: It's never to early or to late learn priorities
Desiree Croes
Bonaire-San Eustaquio-Saba
Here in the Amazon, a huge concentration and diversity of wetlands are the basis for sustain a fantastic and rich biodiversity and livelihoods of human communities. Let's stand togheter to fight for the conservation of wetlands globally!
Carlos Durigan
I love the noisiness of prairie wetlands in spring and early summer. Contrasted with the quiet of winter, when wetlands burst to life, the frogs, geese, soras, yellowthroats and blackbirds all commence their beautiful cacophony of instrument-tuning.
Suzanne Joyce
Wetlands are our source of livelihood from food production to domestic water source. We rely on them for centuries till now
Phalee BMC
I love wildlife but it's the landowners I've met through my work at Ducks Unlimited Canada that inspire me. I have witnessed how they treasure their wetlands profoundly. These are hallowed places teeming with new experiences.
Lynette Mader
Wetlands are gathering places. Here in Ontario's farm country you can watch the birds fly in and out of the wetland with the rise and fall of the day, and you know that a convergent pattern is repeated on the land where it isn't as easy to observe.
JS Pollock
Pantanal á maior área úmida do planeta TERRA, localizado em sua maior parte no Brasil e partes na Bolívia e Paraguay. Berço e habitat de milhares espécies, filtro natural das águas do planalto central que está sendo devastado para produção de soja .
Reserva da Biosfera do Pantanal Laercio de Sousa
Wetlands are the source of amazing biodiversity and are critical for the planet's sustenance. Let us all pledge to support, conserve and preserve them in every way.
Sujatha Ramamathan
Wetlands are a life maker. The more we understand this the more we can move to safeguard this treasure. Let's do more teach more and learn more about our wetlands.
Santa Lucía
El 2 de febrero, día mundial de los humedales, realizaremos una nueva campaña por la región del balneario y la costa de Magdalena. Un recorrido histórico, biológico y cultural por la zona donde se produjo el mayor derrame de petróleo en agua dulce
Casa Rio
Nesse dia tão especial para a conservação do ecossistema do nosso planeta, é importante frisar que devemos cuidar das zonas húmidas. Regiões húmidas como a Amazônia, são extremamente importante para o meio ambiente, conserva-las é o nosso papel!
Gabriel Andrews Alvarenga
Centrar la mirada en la capacidad de los Humedales para secuestrar y capturar Carbono, y prevenir inundaciones frente al Cambio Climático.
Graciela Pozzer
There is need to continually protect Zambia's wetland ecosystems because they help in mitigating climate change (which has adversely affected our country), and are so critical to the survival of not only flora and fauna but also human life.
Bernard Musukuma
I did a poem thts more to with climate change in general tht i would like to share with you especially on a day like this, how can i send it through to you
Francis Muzofa
Wetlands are critical ecosystems that are vital for the flora and fauna, these also plays important role in ensuring the sustainability of human life, be ensuring the natural disasters like floods.
For myself and for humans all over the world, leave an extra drop of water every day
Shiarng Chen
Wetland ecosystems support a host of animal and plant life,but they are critically important for the survival humans too,from the mitigation of Climate Change to the protection of human settlements from floods. Please protect wetlands and our future.
Ruturaj Bhosale
Visibly one of the main threat to wetlands are dumping of waste into the system, which directly and indirectly makes the life of million creatures at risk. So let's manage out waste without the cost of wetlands
Wetlands are cradles of life indispensable for the countless benefits it provides, its capability in providing freshwater, atop the list. Yet they are incessantly declining that calls for a united alliance. Let us together put in our efforts
Annet Edwin
Wetland conservation and Restoration is very important in achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
Sanchali Deb
All wetlands great and small, permanent and ephemeral are important. One small wetland can provide habitat for a huge number and variety of creatures. We should protect all remnant wetlands, from Ramsar sites to ephemeral marshes.
Kerry Vickers
Wetland need to be cared for sustainable biodiversity.
Ezuan Abdullah
We spent huge money to search water in other planet but why don't we spent same amount of money to protect our wetlands. Without wetlands no one can imagine a life on Planet Earth. Let's protect what we have first. Be a responsible human.
Chao Hemajit Daudhai Phukan
Tanah ini lembab kerna kencing orang politik
Sharifah Nasibah Syed Azmi
"Waters are indeed sacred, Water is in fact nectar" .Plants and waters are treasures for generations so we must conserve them.
Nitin Sharma
Wetlands are precious resources.
Affan Nasaruddin
Paisajes, belleza, alimentos, turismo, biodiversidad, agua, calidad de vida, habitantes, aire, vida, todo lo resumimos en "HUMEDAL". Nuestro deber protegerlos, cuidarlos, y respetarlos.
Angel Gonzalez
Wetlands are nurseries for aquatic life, crucial for environmental balance. Rio de Janeiro has grown on top of its wetlands At the west side of the city, mangroves, swamps, its fauna resist! Vargens, APA Tabebuias, Guaratiba, need urgent protection.
Cristina Portella
I value wetlands during my science lessons and I show my students this beautiful virtual tour https://earth.app.goo.gl/LW7bKr
Ilenia Perrotta
I love the natural feeling around wetlands and the fact that they contribute in improving the biodiversity and water quality makes it even more fascinating for me
Proper-Progress Umunnakwe
In Brazil, in addition to the notable areas of the Pantanal, Ilha do Bananal, Ilha Grande and the Maranhenses Reefs, we have a coastal strip studded with lagoons and swamps, which are victims of real estate speculation and urban advancement.
Salvador Benevides
»Kje, prašate, megle ljubljanske vir je, kar posušeno naše je močirje? Oblake, mislim, da rode meglene od posušila pesmice vodene. » (France Prešern)
Urša N.
I was raised by a huge wetland. It provided income for my family (tourism, fishing), an outdoorsy childhood & my love of nature. When I left home that I learned how undervalued wetlands were and how much these undervalues landscapes need champions.
Kathy Jones
Wetlands are essential for regenerative living. They are nature's perfect recycling system. We should be learning from them and designing our systems to work like them, instead of draining them to build unsustainable, destructive systems.
Sophia Vacanti
Estados Unidos
Unfortunately, city, provincial and republic institutions are subject to the interests of construction investors, so that our beloved, last natural oasis, precious ecosystem and flood area is in danger of complete devastation.
Civil initiative Dunavac Sodros Kamenicka ada Movement of citizens
Dear friends, the population, but also over 100 strictly protected species of birds, amphibians, insects, fish and other living life of the city of Novi Sad is in great danger of devastation of the only floodplain in Novi Sad. Please, help us!
Daniela Stojković Jovanović
wetland is a God's gift for us. One should protect it for present use and preserve for future generation. Wetlands Supports the land , aquatic ecosystem, Human and animal survival etc.Encroaching the wetland is grave danger to Mother EARTH.
wetland is a God's gift for us. One should protect it for present use and preserve for future generation. Wetlands Supports the land , aquatic ecosystem, Human and animal survival etc.Encroaching the wetland is grave danger to Mother EARTH.
I was raised on a grain farm. I often hear grain farmers announce their responsibility to “feed the world” in defence of wetland drainage despite (un-enforced) laws. Fact: Wetlands are the fountain of life. STOP THE DRAINAGE
Shel Graupe
Wetlands are an important, yet often overlooked, resource. Keeping them healthy is critical to maintain clean water and to support wildlife and fish populations.
Wetlands provide a wide range of important ecosystem services, such as food, water, groundwater recharge, water purification, flood moderation, erosion control, microclimate regulation, landscape aesthetics and, of course, livelihood opportunities.
Shivang Verma
Wetlands are vital ecosystems for amphibians. We need more wetlands in Buenos Aires City for protect amphibian. Take care them.
SAVE THE FROGS! Buenos Aires
Water and wetland is the example of true strong bond. They always complete each other to ensure the system can work properly. Human should live like that because we all live in same Earth. Taking care and caring each other to create strong bond.
Muhammad Nadzmi Zamri
Wetlands are vital ecosystems that keep our planet alive. The multiple services provided by wetlands are essential in achieving sustainable economic, environmental, and social development.
Tanja G.
Being a citizen of a river city, Lahore, I feel very close to the River Ravi as I have seen it slowly drying across the years. I can only imagine the problems that would ensue once the whole associated wetland dries out.
Ruth Naymat Gill
Wetlands are the heart of marine ecosystems and significantly impact human livelihoods. In The Bahamas, conservation & protection of wetlands is a national goal. We salute the Convention on its Golden Jubilee as we celebrate water, wetlands, life.
Samantha Miller- Cartwright
Water voor nu en later. Natte natuurgebieden sparen voor zichzelf en om oppervlakte- en grondwatervoorraden te behouden voor wijs en duurzaam gebruik
Walter Galle
Alexey Ovsyankin
“WAVE DESALINATION AND ELECTRIC PLANT OF OVSYANKIN DESIGN” Offshore Wave Stations designed by Ovsyankin to improve Climate resilience of countries and regions.
Alexey Ovsyankin
How much of the water consumed by a single species with a population of 8 billion is being consumed at this rate by other species? Let's take care of wetlands and our planet by changing our consumption habits in order not to lead a great extinction.
Burçak Gönül
المناطق الرطبة كنز ثمين يجب المحافظ عليه
O jeunes Kides Ben Djabalah Zahra
حماية المناطق الرطبة مهمة الجميع نتعاون من أجلها
Pr. Hana Soualah Alila (Association O Jeunes )
Wetlands are ecologically important because of their biodiversity. The unique way in which they harmonize the species that depend on them and the environment around them shows how vital they are in the balance of nature. Lets protect the Wetlands!
Tino Maduku
Corea del sur
Wetlands, a part of our planet, is an essential habitat for human and numerous creatures on earth. The theme of 2021 WWD does remind us water crisis and importance of freshwater and wetlands, to live in harmony with nature.
Saemi Jung
Corea del sur
Conserving wetlands brings us measurably closer to finding solutions to some of the country’s greatest threats, including water pollution, flooding, sea-level rise and biodiversity loss.
Karla Guyn
Wetlands are important to all aspects of our life - they feed us, protect us, provide clean water & shelter young animals that we fish later. They are highly biodiverse and are dynamic systems that we can always learn more about. They are incredible!
Katherine Clare
Truly said by Mitsch & Gosselink in 1986 that wetlands are often described as "Kidneys of the landscape”. Wetlands provide values that no other ecosystem can.Wetlands provide many services, many valuable functions and commodities to humanity.
Dr.Vinayak Dhulap
Truly said by Mitsch & Gosselink in 1986 that wetlands are often described as “kidneys of the landscape”. Wetlands provide values that no other ecosystem can.Wetlands provide many services, many valuable functions and commodities to humanity.
Dr.Vinayak Dhulap
Wetlands are not only the lands but also its a home of many species of flora and fauna, and as a human being its my duty to conserve wetland to conserve many species. Wetlands are like eyes of mother nature & I love mother nature and its creature.
Wetlands are a treasure bestowed on us by Allah. We need to maximize all our individual and social capacity in order to sustain, protect and pass on its existence to our children.
Kemalettin AK
Samsun Kızılırmak delta; The coexistence of habitats with different ecological characters such as sea, river, lake, reeds, swamps, meadows, pastures, forests, sand dunes and agricultural areas has enabled the delta to have a rare biological diversity
Kemalettin AK
Wetlands are a treasure Mother Nature has blessed us with. We must do whatever it takes within our individual capacity to cherish its existence, protect it and pass it on to our children.
Azam Siddiqui
¡Cuidemos nuestros humedales! Ellos son garantía de vida de calidad para todos. Desde nuestra Ecoescuela celebramos el Día de los Humedales con un programa de actos... https://youtu.be/JwSRXyixEas
Wetlands are the precious eyes of the earth which are gifts by nature. They play a vital role in the survival of all living things on earth, as the kidneys of the human body . "SAVE WETLAND SAVE LIFE"
Tarka Chalaune
wet land is the origine of land and life,since the earth is formed.therefore respect water that we use
suraj singh bhadoria
Lakes are the wetlands that provide drinking water , irrigation water, Water for Industries and Water for evology. Let's protect the shore lines of the lakes, their embankments and restore the original water spread area.
Anil Mehta
Wetlands provide a wide range of important resources. Wetlands are important for the conservation of biological diversity .Save wetlands for better future.
Arifa Mulani
Los humedales son ecosistemas muy ricos en biodiversidad, de ellos depende la conservación y preservación de un importante cúmulo de material genético, el cual podría ser la clave para la protección y la subsistencia de la biodiversidad
José Petters
Los humedales están tan vinculados con la calidad de la vida humana que suelen pasar desapercibidos. Nuestra misión es realzar la importancia de estos ecosistemas para asegurar su conservación.
Jacklyn Rivera Wong
Costa Rica
Los humedales proveen al ser humano una gran variedad de servicios ecosistémicos. La conservación y manejo sostenible de estos ecosistemas debe ser responsabilidad y trabajo de todos, desde Estado, instituciones gubernamentales hasta ciudadanos.
Lanneth Barrera
Our members say "For me it's the mental well-being walking on the moss provides" "The feeling of glad to be alive" "Seeing my first Green Sandpiper" Seeing yellow hammer birds" "Being able to horse ride & cycle without the fear of traffic" wonderful
Marj Powner
Reino Unido
Los humedales son fundamentales en la construcción de paisajes sostenibles para una región. Solo se cuida lo que se conoce y así es como nace el amor por los ecosistemas, la flora, la fauna y el agua.
Edwin Pérez
Wetlands are one among the most important and productive ecosystems of the world. Wetlands one of the natural super market to us, you can get everything, Please Save Wetlands and Save Water.
Bubesh Guptha
Je suis très fasciné par les zones humides surtout la végétation, les animaux et l'eau. il faut agir pour les préserver.
I always ask people if they need to breath. Then explain that the work done by DUC returns wetlands to a thriving eco-system which in turn produces viable green space to allow plants(oxygen) and birds/animals to return to live in these areas.
Glen Warner
Thank you DUC for helping keep our wetlands. Such a place provides us the opportunity to learn, observe, appreciate and respect all aspect of our wild, giving nature a place to live, grow and recharge.
Mark Mooyer
A person can survive for 3 weeks without food; but it only takes him from 3-4days to survive without water.
Czaldy Garrote
The first time we skated as a family was on a wetland slough. I remember being amazed my dad was able to skate as well as he did. One of my first adventures in the fall was watching the sun set as the ducks were flying over the open water.
Russell Hemingson
The Canadian Wetland Classification System consists of four levels: wetland classes (e.g. bog, fen, marsh, swamp); wetland forms (e.g. domed bogs, slope fen, stream marsh); vegetation (plant communities, associations); and specialized needs of discip
Dr. Paresh Pandya
India has lost nearly one-third of its natural wetlands to urbanisation ,agricultural expansion and pollution, over the last 4 decades. Just as forests are called as the " lungs of the earth",wetlands are the " kidneys" regulate water from landscape.
Kalaiselvi M.P.
Los humedales están tan cercanos a nuestra vida cotidiana que son inseparables... Nos traen la seguridad del agua, la esperanza de un ambiente sano, la alegría de miles de aves y plantas viviendo.. Los humedales son vida.
Mario Maturana Arévalo
Wetlands purify, store, and recharge groundwater and also has a role in preventing floods.Simply wetlands are called Kidneys of environment....
Kiran Patil
Con la simple observación, nos dimos cuenta que siempre hemos estado rodeados de humedales en Uruapan Michoacán; que estos místicos sitios, son un órgano estructural y funcional de nuestra casa planetaria, la tierra como organismo vivo.
Pedro Cantú
When wetlands dried up; all life is gone!
Czaldy Garrote
Wetlands are incredible part of nature, found in high and low altitudes of the earth surface. In fact they are invaluable lands. Their uniqueness requires our attention.
Dingha Babila
वेटलैंड के महत्व को रेखांकित करते हुए स्थानीय संगठन कार्यक्रम बनाएं। बच्चों को वेटलैंड क्या है, कैसे नष्ट हो रहे हैं, क्यों आवश्यकता है इनकी और कैसे बचाया जा सकता है इसके बारे में जागरूक करें। उन्हें आसपास के वेटलैंड ले जाकर स्थानीय भाषा में समझाएं।
Anurag Shukla
Benefits of Wetland = Ecological niche+ water table + carbon sequestration + hotspot of flora & fauna + reduce the impact of climate change + environment impact assessment + habitat of migratory birds + prevent calamities ( floods, drought,etc), etc.
Ameet Behera
Les zones humides andorranes ubicades majoritàriament en zones de capçalera, aigües amunt dels principals nuclis urbans, son importantíssimes com espais reguladors naturals dels fluxos d’aigua que arriben al fons de le les nostres valls.
Maria Salas Sopena
As a kidney of nature, wetlands transform organic/inorganic substances generated by human activities, make chemical circulation, and purify water quality. It also provides habitats for many organisms, maintaining biodiversity at a stable level.
Hea Su Lee
Corea del sur
Черемський заповідник підготував декілька заходів з дітьми району. Мета зформувати у підростаючого покоління уявлення про унікальні цінності ВБУ, розвинути дбайливе ставлення до природи Волинського краю.
Черемський природний заповідник
I think wetlands are the closest thing to a Garden of Eden. There is always something different to see and the variety of birds and plants is astounding. It provides a place for animals particularly birds, frogs, fish and turtles to live and breed.
Kathy Tenison
How could we live without you, Wetlands? You don't deserve to be just there without every individual knowing your prestige and imminence.You should be clothed with utmost care and protect you from danger for us and everything on earth to prosper!
Regina Charito Ga
Los humedales permiten dar relevancia a lo colectivo, asumiendo nuestra interdependencia con la naturaleza y otras formas de vida. Son escenarios para construir narrativas comunes que posibilitan la educación y participación en defensa de la vida.
Camila Carrillo
wetlands are the places with floral and faunal diversity which provides favorable environment conditions to them as they are continuous source of water and food. wetlands are also the hotspots for migratory birds.
Siddhant Bhardwaj
Wetlands are areas where water covers the soil, or is present either at or near the surface of the soil all year or for varying periods of time during the year, including during the growing season.
Namya Garg
Wetlands provide loads of societal benefits. 🌊 🐟🐠🐍🦠🍃🌍💯
Lila Atienza
Wetlands play a very crucial role as natural carbon sinks and in water and flood regulation. Wetlands provide abundant supply of water. Water is very important for our survival. Without water, life on earth will not flourish.
Emmilie Ibonia
Wetlands play a very crucial role as natural carbon sinks and in water and flood regulation. Without wetlands we'll have scarcity of water supply. Water is a verWithout water, life on earth will not flourish.
Emmilie Ibonia
I value wetlands because they are important habitat for living things. Because wetlands are source of water we use. Without wetlands, every species will be affected. No wetlands, no life.
Von Elijah Lumbres
Wetlands are indispensable ecosystems and provide home to diverse life forms, store and purify water. A wetland, whether natural or man – made, is a dynamic entity and as heavily dependent on the people around it as they are to its existence.
Shambhavi Krishna
Wetlands exist all over the globe. They can be found everywhere, meaning their role and importance is vital to the survival of our biodiversity and humanity. WWD reminds us the values of our wetlands, as it is the key to meet our 2030 SDG 6, 13, 14.
Yoo Jung Kwon
Corea del sur
Wetlands are vital for earth ecosystems because they are most diverse and productive ecosystem and contain an immense biodiversity. They are most important carbon sink and help in recharging ground water aquifers and clean polluted waters. Protec it.
suresh chandra
Wetlands are vital for earth ecosystems because they are most diverse and productive ecosystem and contain an immense biodiversity. They are most important carbon sink and help in recharging ground water aquifers and clean polluted waters. Protec it.
suresh chandra
Les zones humides sont des milieux riches et diversifié. Leurs importances sur le plan alimentaire, récréatif et environnemental sont des atouts à ne pas pour tous. Protéger les zones humides, c’est garantir la vie sur terre; C''est devoir pour tous
Wetlands are an integral part of the river plain landscape. It means many things to many beings. Wetlands are life-sustaining to not just humans but all other life forms.
Vaishali Kashyap
Wetlands are part of us. They are water filters. Since water is life, wetlands too are. Do we need someone to remind us that Wetlands need the same Protections and Rights like humans. Where there is no wetland, there is no life. Let's protect wetland
Fai Cassian Ndi
Wetlands are valuable to me because they clean the water, recharge water supplies, reduce flood risks, and provide fish and wildlife habitat. In addition, wetlands provide recreational opportunities, aesthetic benefits, sites for research and ed
Jagrit Vohra
Wetlands are areas where water covers the soil, or is present either at or near the surface of the soil all year or for varying periods of time during the year, including during the growing season. ... Wetlands may support both aquatic and terrestria
Smera Nagpal
Wetlands take many forms including marshes, bogs, mangroves, mudflats, ponds, swamps, billabongs, lagoons, lakes, and floodplains. Most large wetland areas often include a combination of wetland types.
Yash Saran
Wetlands cover a small portion of the planet, but their carbon capturing abilities pack a big punch. They can store 50 times more carbon than rain forests, helping to keep the heat-trapping gas that contributes to climate change out of the atmosphere
Niharika Chawla
Wetlands trap pollutants such as phosphorus and heavy metals in their soils, transform dissolved nitrogen into nitrogen gas, and break down suspended solids to neutralize harmful bacteria. New York City found that it could save $3 billion to $8 billi
Sia Jain
The West Siberian Lowland, Amazon River Basin, and Hudson Bay Lowland are among the largest wetlands in the world. The world’s largest protected wetland is Llanos de Moxos, located in Bolivia. It is more than 17 million acres—roughly equal in size of
Anahita Khurana
A wide variety of species live in wetlands. Wetland birds include ducks, geese, ibises, kingfishers, and sandpipers. Wetlands are welcoming places for birds who use them as pit stops during long migrations, providing them with protection and food. Ma
Cheaheil Daga
A wetland is a distinct ecosystem that is flooded by water, either permanently or seasonally, where oxygen-free processes prevail. Far from being useless, disease-ridden places, wetlands provide values that no other ecosystem can.
Reet Thapar
water and wetland
lee wonho
Corea del sur
Wetlands are valuable to us, since it ptotects our shores from wave action, reduces impacts of floods. Wetland improves our water quality by removing pollutants. It also provides habitat for many species of aquatic and terrestrial plants and animals.
Wetlands act like sponges during floods, capturing rain and flood waters. A one-acre wetland can store 330,000 gallons of water to a depth of one foot. They provide erosion control and Reduce Storm Impacts! They are the kidneys of the world, too!
Lynn Sorrentino
Wetlands are the most productive ecosystem, support flora and fauna, are directly linked with livelihood and economic benefits. However, due to pollution, industrial contamination the water availability is reducing ,so saving wetlands is very vital.
Anandita Agarwal
वेटलैंड को बचाने के लिए स्कूल स्तर से बच्चों को जागरूक किया जाए। इसके लिए सरकारी व्यवस्थाओं पर निर्भर न रहकर संगठनों को आगे आना चाहिए। हम सभी को ये समझना होगा वेटलैंड नहीं रहेंगे तो हम कैसे रहेंगे।
Anurag shukla
Wetlands are a crucial part of our natural environment. They are essential for flood protection, water quality improvement, shoreline erosion control, recreation etc. and are home to unparalleled biodiversity.
Rucha Virmani
wetland is a distinct ecosystem that is flooded by water, either permanently or seasonally, where oxygen-free processes prevail. This is very important resource for us as it is beneficial for growing crops as well as beneficial for , sustainabililty.
Japleen Kaur
wetland is a distinct ecosystem that is flooded by water, either permanently or seasonally, where oxygen-free processes prevail. This is very important resource for us as it is beneficial for growing crops as well as beneficial for , sustainabililty.
Japleen Kaur
A wetland is an ecosystem which is naturally flooded with water, an immense number of species like mammals, birds, fishes and microbes are a part of it. This ecosystem is more productive than any other.
Harshvardhan Thapar
Wetlands provide habitat for thousands of species of aquatic and terrestrial plants and animals. Wetlands are valuable for humans as they help in flood protection, water quality improvement, shoreline erosion control, etc.
Lakshya Mehta
A wetland is a distinct ecosystem that is flooded by water, either permanently or seasonally, where oxygen-free processes prevail.Wetlands play a number of functions, including water purification, water storage, processing of carbon and other nutrien
Kaavyansh Jain
Wetlands are land areas that are saturated or flooded with water either permanently or seasonally. Inland wetlands include marshes, ponds, lakes, fens, rivers, floodplains, and swamps. Coastal wetlands include saltwater marshes, estuaries, mangroves,
Priyanshu Singh
Wetlands not only provide biodiversity and ecological function but also have the cultural and religious importance. They are essential for functioning the indigenous communities. Conserving wetlands = conserving ecosystem and indigenous communities
Alina Dangol
Wetlands are the great sources of water, crops, livestock, fisheries and many more. To get a green environment, a sustainable world we must be aware of those things.So, we are going to observe the wetlands day 2021 at Hakaluki Haor, Bangladesh.
Akhlaqur Rahman
Wetlands are an integral part of nature's unique ecological and biological diversity, and are vital habitats for a large variety of fauna and flora and also wetlands have played an important role in the culture of many communities.
Achini Nadeeshani
Sri Lanka
During the long dry season in Northern Australia, in some regions wetlands are the only source of water for our diverse wildlife. Without them, we would undoubtedly experience species loss. Wetlands are part of the foundation of our biodiversity!
Jessie Price-Decle
Wetlands are the precious eyes of the earth which are gifts by nature. They play a vital role in the survival of all living things on earth, as the kidneys of the human body . "SAVE WETLAND SAVE LIFE"
Tarka Chalaune
Wetlands are the source of life. If wetlands are damaged or lost, then life will also be destroyed. Wetlands don't just belong to the current generation, but also to future generations. Leave healthy wetlands for our next generations.
Triana Setia
Los humedales son parte de nuestra vida, ya que nos brindan todo lo necesario y esencial para vivir
Guinea Ecuatorial
Wetlands provide habitat for animals and plants and many contain a wide diversity of life. "Save Wetlands Save Water"
Wetlands keep us safe and sound, with fresh water and air, and protect us from the coming storms. The biodiversity makes the world less lonely, more wondrous. They enrich our lives. Let's spread the love for wetlands, though education & engagement!
Wetland Link International
Reino Unido
Wetlands, providing crucial ecosystem services that benefit humankind, are also known as the kidneys of a landscape. Wetlands, the most productive of ecosystems, are also the most threatened.
Wetlands are the multifunctioning part of the earth ecosystem; support the habitat for rare and endemic flora and fauna. Also, they provide multiple ecosystem services from which we are getting tangible and intangible benefits.
Jiban Sharma
Wetlands is everything it provides habitat for wildlife species, reduces the intensity of waves and storm surges and other catastrophic events, it also gives livehood to the people and tourism. There's a need to conserve and protect our wetlands.
Myllenne June Moreno
З нагоди Всесвітнього дня водно-болотних угідь провідним фахівцем з екологічної освіти Драчук Яною Іванівною для дітей Калинівського ЗЗСО 2 лютого буде проведено урок "Водно-болотні угідя нашого регіону".
Природний заповідник "Єланецький степ"
I value wetland because it supplies the living creatures with the basic components required for their survival such as water and food. It also provides habitat for thousands of species and helps in maintaining biodiversity.
Ashmita Shrestha
Wetlands are essential for human existence since it improves water quality and flood protection and provides recreational services which promotes human's well-being.
Sheryl Azarraga
Wetlands are very valuable since they provide shelter for thousands of aquatic and terrestrial plantsand animals. Aside from this, wetlands also provide flood protection, water quality improvement and erosion control
Charles William Calo
Wetlands are important because it provides food for fauna species. Also, it regulates the climate of the world.Further, it is also a home of some indigenous people.
Grace Ann Desaca
Ajuwanan tayoy shanum tan sota toka kedeppo-e tep shiman waray biag. Sikato metlaeng e tayo ka panbiagge.
Frolaine Moresto-Allan
Protecting our wetland is protecting life. Thus, we are expected to take reasonable steps to prevent contamination of our wetlands
Cleo Sabado-Andrada
Ayuwanan tako nan danum ya nan magapuwan di danum, sya nan kagapuwan nan biag. . Let's care for our wetlands, they are a source of life.
Linda Claire Pawid
Les zones humides sont le socle de la vie de nos communautés. Nous dépendons tous (citadins et ruraux) de sa riche biodiversité et des services qu'elles nous fournissent direcetement ou indirectement.
Maximin Djondo
Los humedales son vida, nos proveen innumerables beneficios. Debemos tomar conciencia que si no los cuidamos nos estaremos perjudicando a nosotros mismos. Donde hay agua, hay vida, protejamos los humedales y la vida silvestre que depende de estos!
Leticia Andino
El Salvador
Wetlands are more than a place, they are a hub for life.
Anna San Llorente
Países Bajos
Wetlands today still mesmerize many visitors with abundant life and beauty, often unaware of their true potential. We have been fighting hard for no wetland loss, now I dare all of us to dream of wetland habitat gain!
Marbelys Garriga
Estados Unidos
The blues, greens, browns, and greys of a wetland move me in a way words cannot express; a resonance built by centuries' of reliance. Water, food, health, fun, and beauty that enable us.
Connor Walsh
Reino Unido
Wetlands are the places where I started to truly understand how all parts of an ecosystem are connected and depended on each other. I particularly value the biodiversity found in wetlands and the cultural servicers they provide.
Isabel Wallnöfer
Wetlands for waterbirds serves as airports, hotels and restaurants.
Wetlands serves as airports, hotels and restaurants for waterbirds.
Wetlands are the kidneys of my society. I value them most when I visit my small waterfall at my village home and feel refreshed to see that the World can still be beautiful.
Christine Njagi Mmbwanga
Wetlands are home to some very wonderful animals! The most famous wetland in India, the Sundarbans, is also home to the beautiful, endangered Royal Bengal Tiger!
Maydha Sood
Wetlands are one of the most underrated marvels of the nature, and bring with them unparalleled diversity.
Vivaan Singh
Wetlands are like kidneys in human being, it cleanses all types of wastes coming from the land and seas.
Michael Dela Cruz
Muchas gracias por toda esta informacion, nos ayuda a dar a conocer un poco mas sobre los humedales y su importancia.
Hector Briones
Wetlands are the lifeblood of biodiversity on earth ...they are the key.
Marie Heffernan
Wetlands support both aquatic and terrestial species. They are valuable for shoreline erosion control, water quality improvement, and flood protection. Therefore, we should learn to conserve and protect it for our future generation to come..
Jessalou Tabat
Small Island Developing States like the Seychelles highly depend on Tourism, and Fisheries. These are the vital lifelines and economic support. Wetlands play a key role in the lives of those involved in these two sectors. Happy Wetland Day - 2021.
Pugazhendhi Murugaiyan
Let more people know something about the World Wetlands Day through the postcard exchange and what we can do to protect wetlands.
Jerry Yao
I am a teacher who believe in the importance of Environmental Education. We must teach young generations why wetlands are so important for everyone. So, thanks to you all.
Stefano Morato
If we are in any state of mind(angry, sad, greedy, alone, etc.,) when we saw the beautiful nature, all of our tensions and issues will be relieved. We will became like saints by watching and feeling that beautiful nature. Wetlands are hart for nature
Reddy Sekhar
Wetlands is must for survival and beauty life . We can't separate water, wetland and life. India is having biodiversity and valuable wetland. I love and value wetlands.
Mahesh Bagarwal
Wetlands, like the Florida's Everglades, sustain our wildlife, recharge our aquifer, clean our water, and protect us from flooding, storms & a rising sea. Let's #RestoreWetlands & the #Everglades.
Diana Umpierre
Estados Unidos
Wetland is a vital to support our lives, so every one should pay attention in conserve and protect it, because without wetland no life
Hassan Omar Khamis
Wetland is a vital to support our lives, so every one should pay attention in conserve and protect it, because without wetland no life
Hassan Omar Khamis
Wetlands are source of life. No one can survive without water & wetlands. The importance of wetlands is further increasing because of COVID-19 pandemic. To stay safe & healthy, we don't have choice except to protect our wetlands & water.
Maheshwar Dhakal
Nature Based solutions helps us adapt to climate change: - Greener cities reduce heat stress, flooding - Wetlands defend coasts from storms - Forests protect drinking water & prevent landslides
Dian Parmionova Christina
A key tool for wetland protection in Nigeria is WETLAND EDUCATION. NCRC choose to be a voice in promoting Wetland Education for empowering future generation
Nature Cares Resource Centre NCRC- NGO
Wetland indeed is the heart beat of coastal communities, supporting fringer livelihoods. Lost wetlands will amount to lost opportunities in promoting sustainable community development in Africa. Wetlands protection in Lagos State is my passion
Toyin Oshaniwa
Los humedales nos entregan muchos beneficios, siendo los más importantes: 1) agua; 2) la felicidad. Wetlands provide us with many benefits, the most important 1) water; 2) happiness.
Ignacio Rodriguez
As diverse wetlands are, as is the manifestation of cultural and landscape diversity on this earth.
Swapan Paul
Wetlands are the life of the Living World. In fact, most of the habitats depend on the 'Water' as their 'Lifeline', thus, wetlands play a vital role in the sustainability of such habitats.
Satya Prakash Mehra
Wetlands underpin the health of our landscapes - as centres of life and productivity. They have supported our First Peoples for thousands of years, and now support the well-being of our multicultural residents and visitors.
Jenny Tomkins
Wetlands are inseparable part of any productive ecosystem, like healthy heart in the healthy body. Wetland supports hydrophytes diversity. Hydrophytes encourage fish diversity and altogether it supports water bird diversity of wetland ecosystem.
Respeto la diversidad biológica y cultural, participación de personas con Discapacidad, etnicidad, genero, responsabilidad publicas, privadas y comunitaria, para conservar los Humedales, el agua, la cultura y la vida. Fundación Funecorobles
Respeto la diversidad biológica y cultural, participación de personas con Discapacidad, etnicidad, genero, responsabilidad publicas, privadas y comunitaria, para conservar los Humedales, el agua, la cultura y la vida. Fundación Funecorobles
Wetlands provide drinking water for man and beast, a home for fish and frogs and all aquatic creatures. They sustain birds and nourish the land as well. Their beauty is refreshing in all ways. Wetlands bring so much life and stability !
Linda Munyao
Wetlands form the links for migratory waterbirds across the flyways of the world. However we need to do more to protect and manage wetlands sustainably at a time when they are under the greatest threat working locally and globally.
Phil Straw
Wetland is Lung for environment. So we have safe by us.
Dr. Kamal kumar Saha
Pour une vie paisible des poissons, des crustacés, des oiseaux, des mollusques et des insectes, la conservation de la mangrove demeure le combat de ma vie.
Bi Trazié Noël VAOULI ZOU
Costa de Marfil
Wetlands have always played an integral role in my life and many others. Growing up close to a wetland provided me with food, recreation, allowed me to enjoy their beauty and inspired me to love the nature and biodiversity that surrounds me.
Robert Godoy Recasens
Je suis fasciné depuis toujours par tout ce peux faire une zone humide. Terrain de jeu, source d'eau, coffre rempli de trésors de biodiversité, lieu de beauté et d’émerveillement ... tout cela et encore tellement d'autres choses ! Prenons-en soin !
Abdourazack Djibrilla Fatoumata
Qui flumen defendet terram defendet - Who defends the river, defends the earth - is the motto of Mill River Wetland Committee in Fairfield, CT. We are thrilled to be part of a worldwide community that educates and advocates on behalf of wetlands.
Reini Knorr
Estados Unidos
Mangroves are sacred intertidal spaces where life and biodiversity thrive. We must protect wetlands and Mangrive forests from deforestation and pollution if we are to safeguard a future for coming generations.
Carmen Danae
República Dominicana
Wetlands are important component of the Eastern Himalayan landscape benefitting the rich biodiversity, livelihood and play a critical role of flood mitigation. Let us protect these nature's gift through perseverance for their ecosystem services.
Swapna Acharjee
Wetlands support the biodiversity all landscapes need. They clean our water. They protect us from flooding by reducing water sent downstream. They protect us from drought by holding water when conditions are dry.
Billie Milholland
Wetlands evoke a time-immemorial connection that allowed us to live, admire and be part of the natural world. The immense biological diversity and the ever-changing life still waiting to be discovered needs our protection before it is too late.
Irish Peatland Conservation Council
Wetlands are a natural solution to climate change. Also, they are essential to my business as a tour guide.
Yasushi Konno
Wetlands are incredible part of nature, found in high and low altitudes of the earth surface. In fact they an invaluable lands. Their uniqueness requires our attention.
Dingha Babila
Je suis fasciné depuis toujours par tout ce peux faire une zone humide. Terrain de jeu, source d'eau, coffre rempli de trésors de biodiversité, lieu de beauté et d’émerveillement ... tout cela et encore tellement d'autres choses ! Prenons-en soin !
Denis Berlemont
I love wetlands because they are so riche in many lifeforms, so important for humans since prehistory, and so beautiful, so inspiring for our cultures. We should help them to help us!
Gregoire Macqueron
Wetlands are home to so many species. Just as we value the well-being of our own homes we should do so for wetlands. Compassion & will to save our wetlands can potentially save us all from the wrath of Climate change.
Nikita Wankhede
Wetlands guarantee our communities with clean and safe water.Like the city of Harare in Zimbabwe, it is aiming for a wetland city status proclamation, it highlights the need to regulate or control illegal developments on wetlands.
Wallace Mawire
Wet lands represent beauty through being a natural place of diversification, many creatures grow well in them. They can be used for growing rice etc. And help in reducing air pollution.
Varaidzo Gwatidzo
I value wetlands because thats the places I witness & behold the beauty of Gods creation, diversity of species and how interconnected, balanced all the natural systems are:100s of butterflies, lady beetles, dragon flies hovering & the cool serenity..
Maria Goss
I value wetlands because those are the places where my mind comes to rest, where i go for a run, have a swim, sit in silence, recharge my batteries, soak up nature's sounds, and find peace. They are so precious and yet often so neglected.
Claire Warmenbol
Wonderment at their beauty. Joy in their wildlife. Peace from the play of water's light and sound. Gratitude for all the life they support. Determination to help protect them. What wetlands make me feel.
Jemini Pandya
World Wetlands Day is an important time to stop and reflect on all that wetlands do for us - from providing water, protecting us against extreme weather, storing and capturing carbon and enhancing the quality of life in many ways. Inseparable!
Jay Aldous
Estados Unidos
As a child, I loved swimming in Lake Geneva, but I didn't know what extraordinary power it has on our climate, on our biodiversity, on our planet. Wetlands are at the heart of our lives, and we need to protect them today, more than ever.
Véronique Charles
There is limited water in Australia due to the arid climate. Therefore wetlands were always focal points for wildlife. This made wetlands a place of wonder for me. The diverse life within wetlands always triggered my interest in nature.
Nicholas Crameri
Wetlands are where I can enjoy scuba diving. Wetlands provide fish and clams to me. Wetlands are where I can enjoy seeing wild animals. These are all my favorites - wetlands are important for my life.
Reiko Iitsuka
In Kampala, Uganda where I grew up swamps are common. For a long time I knew they were places filled with mosquitoes but I also valued them because the papyrus reeds in the swamps are used to make the lovely mats and baskets common in our homes.
Sharon Oseku-Frainier
Wetlands constitute an exceptional natural heritage characterized by an extreme diversification of species. They contribute to a balanced management of water resources by promoting self-purification, preventing flooding and replenishing groundwater.