Official website of World Wetlands Day by Ramsar - 2 February
On World Wetlands Day, WHO celebrates the vital role of wetlands in safeguarding human health and wellbeing amid the changing climate. Wetlands including marshes, swamps and floodplains are nature’s buffer against climate change. They absorb excess rainfall, reduce flooding risks and help to protect critical infrastructure including health facilities.
World Wetlands Day Messages and Statements
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Îles Vierges britanniques
Zones humides
Surface émergée saturée d’eau ou inondée, soit en permanence, soit selon les saisons.
Zones humides continentales:
Marais, lacs, cours d’eau, plaines d’inondation, toubières et marécages
Zones humides côtières:
Marais salés, estuaires, mangroves, et lagunes et récifs coralliens
Zones humides artificielles:
Etangs de pisciculture, rizières et marais salants