United Kingdom
We pledge to go carbon zero by 2030 and to remove single use plastic from our school. Austin Hu
No single use plastics by using reusable water bottles and bags for grocery shopping. I will also dispose waste properly while also limiting my water usage for showers and hygiene. For my food consumption, I will select products with Fairtrade. Bertram Bree
It is among the largest and most biodiverse intertidal and shallow-water reef sites in Western Europe. The south-eastern coast of Jersey has one of Europe`s biggest Bottle-nosed Dolphin populations. Please create a website to celebrate the key site. Jose Ines Loria Palma
convertir nuestro espacio en un parque temático de la naturaleza en donde el humedal ocupa el 70% de nuestro territorio en donde las acciones de conservación garanticen una mejor calidad de vida. Joshua Schmerl
I pledge to limit the amount of water I use every day, limit the use of chemicals and pesticides I use in my home garden and keep my worm farm healthy and producing healthy soil for my garden Dan Syiem
"Let us work together to protect wetlands across globe" - Prof. Prem raj Pushpakaran Tumuhaise Deogratias
This Wetlands I pledge to Increase awareness on the role of integrating NbS on in Conservation of wetlands and reducing Climate Mobility occurrences. Pledge to follow up on the effectiveness of NbS to avoid mala adaptation Deena Meria Jose
I pledge to choose sustainable products that do not harm wetland habitats. Nancy Owusua Acquah
I commit to protecting wetlands and advocating for its conservation. Jiry de Waal B WM
I pledge to contribute tot wetland preservation and wetland creation by the bold action to over deliver on all projects we are doing in this field. Innocent Matekere
This World Wetlands Day (February 2, 2024), I pledge to amplifying the voice of wetland conservation by writing and publishing opinion editorial (Op-Ed) articles and creating story maps that highlight their critical role in sustaining life on Earth. Sanjana Ghoderao
I pledge to conserve wetlands Justin Mahlahla
I pledge to speak about the need to conserve and preserve our wetlands for sustainable ecosystems and future generations Sarah Simon
call upon international assistance to request that the overlords of Jersey, Channel Islands stop their continual denial of the extent of PFAS pollution and remediate known contaminated sites for the benefit of future generations and all creatures. Aarti Ghalme
I pledge to conserve wetland by waste recycle and use of organic products. Vaishnavi rakshe
I pledge to protect and preserve our precious wetlands for future generations and restore degraded wetland Vishal Kamble
I pledge to conserve wetlands Shruti Bhandarkar
I pledge to conserve and preserve thr wetlands in as a aware biotechnologist. Harshda Umak
My pledge is to protect and restore wetlands , to raise the awareness about their importance Aryan Landge
I pledge to conserve wetland Gitanjali Adavkar
I pledge to conserve wetlands for future. Ankita Darekar
I had pledge for conserve the Wetland Shubham Pawar
I pledge to conserve wetlands. Priya Chandane
I pledge as a biotechnology student that I will try to innovate, restore and protect the wetland Sakshi Ganesh
I pledge to conserve wetlands for sustainable future. Shivani Deshmukh
I pledge to conserve, protect and restore the wetlands pranali khomane
I pledge to conserve wetlands Gourav Gond
I pledge to conserve wetlands. Rakshita Megheri
I pledge to conservation wetlands Supriya Swami
I pledge to conserve wet lands Sujata Gangawane
I had pledge to conserve the Wetland also biotechnology Łukasz Fuglewicz
My task for 2025 year is to meke some hoverfly lagoons in my garden Ken Anklovitch
I pledge to continue to write poetry about nature and share it with friends. Ben Waller
I pledge to take care of my garden, minimising use of chemicals and fertilisers that may be harmful for the environment. Boldly going forward, I pledge to take shorter showers to conserve as much water as possible, for the environment and wetlands. Kathryn Z
I pledge to learn more about our wetlands and strive to make choices that protect them. karen k.
United States
i pledge to be respectful of and do no harm to the wetland environments in my environment, and to use my online voice to defend all wetlands from governmental, corporate, and climate threats Sangram Sahoo
I pledge to promote awareness and conservation of wetlands by supporting sustainable practices, sharing knowledge about Ramsar Sites, and advocating for wetland protection. Together, we can safeguard these vital ecosystems for future generations! Aryan Khanna
I pledge that I will never ever throw any garbage in any wetlands or any water body. Minoo Divakaran
We pledge to conserve the kidneys of the earth, which help to regulate climate, purify water, buffer floods, store carbon and much more Minoo Divakaran
We pledge to conserve the lidneys of the earth, which help to regulate climate, purify water, buffer floods, store carbon and much more Mujeres de fe y vida Del sur del caqueta
Webinar sobre la protección y cuidado de los humedales y el agua, el 3 decreto del 2025 en el Caquetá colombia Amazonia WWF Sicilia Centrale OdV Associazione di volontariato
Vogliamo salvare la zona umida della Riserva Naturale "Lago Soprano" di Serradifalco (CL), istituita dalla Regione Siciliana nel 2000 che rischia di scomparire a causa di siccità, degrado, incendi, mancanza di gestione e disinteresse delle Autorità. Carla McNeil
We, Lough Ennell Catchment Association and partnership of agencies and communities, are committed to delivering our shared vision for managing our wonderful wetlands now and for future generations through our new integrated catchment management plan. SOS Jersey
We ask Jersey's Government to honour Article 3.2 of the Ramsar Treaty and declare pollution events or potential threats to the Ramsar Area, south-east coast, such as the presence of an enormous hazardous waste dump adjacent to it. Marielle .Binken
Every Walk @wetlands I’ll take some garage with me & make & share some pics or drawing of the beauty of them in order to create more awareness together Norm Allard
I pledge to continue to restore wetlands as close to their natural state as possible. Please take a look at the work I'm doing. Arun Kumar Tiwari
I save wetland Carina Wilson
United Kingdom
Don’t allow the Jersey government to pollute the Ramsar Wetlands biodiverse habitat by dumping hazardous waste onto our most vital marine ecosystem and destroying the breeding grounds of dolphins, birds fish shellfish . Pradeep Yarra
I pledge to protect the wetlands by raising voice through awareness Suzan Mugema
Wetlands are not wastelands! As an environmentalist, I pledge to utilize every available platform to sensitize the world and create awareness about the immeasurable benefits of wetland conservation for a sustainable future.. Dr Harshita Upadhyaya
I pledge to be an aware world citizen and also create awarness regarding wetlands through my channel- Geosavvy.india on Instagram and YouTube. James mbugua
Pledge to protect our wetlands for the sake of myself and the generations to come. God help me María Isabel Rodríguez
Me comprometo a seleccionar adecuadamente los desechos plásticos de mi hogar y usar el contenedor destinado a ellos, y así colaborar con las estrategias aplicadas para su eliminación y preservación de los humedales y sus habitantes. Mehbooba Bano
"I pledge to protect and preserve wetlands, promoting biodiversity, clean water, and climate resilience for future generations." Mehbooba Bano
Here's a 250-character pledge: "I pledge to protect and preserve wetlands, promoting biodiversity, clean water, and climate resilience for future generations." Chao Hemajit Dewdhai Phukan
Protecting, encroachment free, pollution free and resilient wetlands for our common future. Chao Hemajit Dewdhai Phukan
Protecting, encroachment free, polution free and resilient wetlands for our common future. Rakesh Yadav
Protect our wetlands Vikas Bhasin
Protecting the wetlands for our common future Thanks Pradip Chatterjee
FISH NEED HEALTHY WETLANDS Wetlands provide fish with food & shelter Wetlands are nurseries of fish Wetlands purify water & enhance fish habitat SAVE WETLAND, SAVE WATER, SAVE FISH, SAVE FISHER PEOPLE National Federation of Fishworkers (NFSF) India Ravichandran Kandaswamy
Save and protect wetlands for future generations St.Steaphens Public School, Irala
We will educate our families, local communities, schools about the importance of wetlands and its conservation. We aim to see more socially responsible panchayats & corporations from grassroots level. Caz O'Neill
I pledge this world wetlands day to share more widely among my work and social networks about the value and importance of humans taking responsibility for the wetlands we impact. Liubov Shynkarenko
The ecological condition of our wetlands has deteriorated significally because of the russian armed agression:17 wetlands with a unique biodiversity are now at risk.2 wetlands of international were practically destroyed.Let"s save them for the planet Pradip Dey
East Kolkata Wetlands, a Ramsar Site, is nature’s genius at work – turning waste into wealth! Commit to creating awareness about a true eco-wonder that reminds us: sustainable solutions are always around us! Mary Namukose
I commit to conserving wetlands like my life, my children and the generations coming after me depend on them. Munish Kumar
Always ready to serve our environment.Doing ground work to motivate people to protect our wetlands,soil,water, agriculture.Always ready for plant trees,seaweed,organic and nutrients based farming. Dr. Santanu Gupta WWF-India
I pledge to raise awareness about the importance of wetlands and continue my efforts to empower communities in wetland conservation. This World Wetlands Day, we will celebrate with the community at the Asan Wetland Conservation Reserve in India. Saravana Kumar R
On World Wetlands Day 2025, I commit to promoting the importance of wetlands, reducing my environmental footprint, and inspiring others to join me in preserving these vital ecosystems. Dr. Dulen Basumatary
My area has a good number of wetlands where I notice several varieties of migratory birds and marine species. I do pledge to protect these wetlands, spread consciousness among the tribes and preserve these beautiful places. Save Jalangi West Bengal
We Pledge To: Defend wetlands from destruction, pollution, and encroachment. Wetlands are not just water bodies; they are the kidney of our environment. We pledge to fight for them, to speak for them, and to ensure their survival. Renu Kohli
I pledge to protect wetland.The wetland benefits several species of migratory birds in addition to its other ecological services such as hosting biodiversity, preventing erosion, and maintaining hydrological regimes. Renu Kohli sreebhoo cultural academy
To Save Wetlands from Polythene carry bags and Pet Bottles .We make more more awareness for this Aaftab Ahmed
"I commit to preserving and caring for wetlands, acknowledging their importance in supporting life, maintaining water quality, and balancing the climate for a better future." Md Afsar Jamal
I pledge to be a guardian of our planet's precious wetlands. I commit to reducing my impact on these fragile environments. I will conserve water, reduce pollution, and support conservation efforts. Numair Khan
I pledge to protect and preserve wetlands, recognizing their importance for biodiversity, water conservation, and climate balance. I will act responsibly to reduce pollution and promote their sustainable use for future generations. ~ Numair Khan MD NAJEEB ALAM
On Wetland Day, I pledge to protect and preserve wetlands, conserve their biodiversity, and raise awareness about their importance in sustaining life, ensuring a healthier planet for future generations. ~Md Najeeb Alam S M Asad Imam
On this World Wetlands Day, I pledge to take bold action to protect, restore, and advocate for our wetlands—nature’s lifeline. Wetlands are vital for biodiversity, climate resilience, and sustaining life, yet they continue to be drained and degraded Minam Mohd Shamsi
On this World Wetlands Day, I pledge to take bold action to protect, restore, and advocate for our wetlands—nature’s lifeline. Wetlands are vital for biodiversity, climate resilience, and sustaining life, yet they continue to be drained and degraded. Aiswarya NS
we are committed to develop and enforce policy and by laws to protect wetlands and implement the convention to contribute to achieving sustainable development. Dr. Mona Ahmed
we are committed to develop and enforce policy and by laws to protect wetlands and implement the convention to contribute to achieving sustainable development. Rasha Yousif
we are committed to develop and enforce policy and by laws to protect wetlands and implement the convention to contribute to achieving sustainable development. Inala Eneni Roberts
To educate and raise awareness on the importance and status of wetlands especially those in Southern Nigeria (Niger Delta). WILFRIED BAILLY
Ivory Coast
En tant que jeune ivoirien qui connait l'utilité des Zones Humides, je m'en a sensibiliser les plus jeunes dans les lycée, collèges et la population en générale. Ensuite m'impliqué dans la conservation des Milieux Humides. NGO Biodiversiteti
Në Ditën e Ligatinave në Kosovë, premtoj se do ti mbrojmë dhe ruajmë vlerat e natyrës së Kosovës, mbrojtjen e ekosistemeve, biodiversitetit dhe ujërave të pastra për brezat e ardhshëm. Ligatinat janë jeta jonë dhe trashëgimia jonë e përbashkët. Ramiz Parduzi
Lets protect and restore Kosovo’s wetlands, recognizing their vital role in biodiversity, climate resilience, and water quality. Through education, sustainable actions, and collaboration, I commit to safeguarding these ecosystems for future generatio Andrea Ludwig
United States
To use my platform as university faculty to educate others on the importance of wetlands, as a land steward to take actions to protect and enhance wetland ecosystems, and as a citizen to be actively engaged in policy discussions that affect wetlands. Мирослав Сеньків
🌍Година спілкування "Збереження водно-болотних угідь - справа кожного". З відзначенням Всесвітнього дня водно-болотних угідь: - підвищення обізнаності, -цінувати і зберегти водно-болотні угіддя України - важливе значення для нашого майбутнього! Мирослав Сеньків
🌍Година спілкування "Збереження водно-болотних угідь - справа кожного". З відзначенням Всесвітнього дня водно-болотних угідь: - підвищення обізнаності, -цінувати і зберегти водно-болотні угіддя України - важливе значення для нашого майбутнього! JUAN CARLOS CEVALLOS MENDOZA
Let's protect our wetlands, let's do our best. Arulkumar D
I Pledge To Protect Our Wetlands Yuli Rogel
Trabajar de forma conjunta empresas, ministerios y comunidad, a fin de contribuir al cuidado y protección de los humedales en El Oro, usando como eje transversal la Educación Ambiental y formar agendes de cambio por un futuro común. ECA 24/25 Agrarias
Nuestro compromiso radica en la sensibilización y concienciación de la importancia de los humedales. Para ello, el alumnado de Educación y Control Ambiental ha elaborado un post en redes del centro para ello. Toda acción cuenta. Amirhossein Nikfal
Anzali Lagoon is a highly contaminated and gradually dying wetland in Iran. This unique ecosystem ( may disappear in the near future if no action is taken. BOBINDER SINGH
Wetlands are nature's lifelines, vibrant ecosystems that connect land and water and support an incredible array of species. This underlies the importance of the Convention on Wetlands. Ben Pearce
New Zealand
Our team will protect Gumlands. Gumlands are only found in New Zealand and they are a critically endangered ecosystem. We MUST protect Gomez Reserve from development. Prachi Pandey
I want to know more about wetlands and also wanted to discover some innovative research for wetland preservation Vidushi Pradhan
On occasion of World Wetlands Day, Tejashree Joshi, Head (Environment & Sustainability), Godrej & Boyce commented, “Wetlands serve as the lifeblood of communities, sustaining both livelihoods and biodiversity. At Godrej & Boyce, biodiversity and eco Sharatchandra Khuman Yanglem
As an educator in higher education, it is my responsibility to raise awareness about the critical importance of wetlands in our lives. This year, I will conduct a 30-minute Interactive Radio Counseling session on IGNOU’s Educational FM Radio on Febru LUIS CARLOS ABADÍA ALVARADO
Continuar con acciones de liderazgo comunitario y gestión ante las entidades públicas para la protección de los ecosistemas de humedal especialmente el húmedal capellanía en Bogotá teniendo como principal herramienta la educación popular ambiental ♥️ Gustavo Segura
Promover la generación de conocimiento al rededor de los humedales, y generar alianzas que promuevan su conservación, restauración y uso sostenible Suelma Silva
I highlight the importance of promoting the conservation of the small wetland areas of the Cerrado, essential for biodiversity and ecological balance. Protecting these ecosystems is ensuring a sustainable future for Brazil and the planet. Join us! miguel colis ramírez
Acciones progresivas para la restauración y conservación de las Ciénegas de Lerma, promoviendo un enfoque integral que incluya educación ambiental, involucramiento comunitario, eliminación de contaminantes, biorremediación y alianzas institucionales. Jessica Brighenti
I commit to defending the wetlands to which I belong, both through environmental education projects and civic activism and arts Niswander Environmental
United States
Ignited with passion, we pledge to use our expertise to create, restore, and preserve diverse and functional wetlands that will be protected in perpetuity for the benefit of all. Milan Neupane
I contribute to a healthier planet for present and future generations. Wetlands are not wastelands – they are lifelines! I pledge to be a guardian of wetlands and take action to preserve their beauty, biodiversity, and benefits. Akhter Hussain Najar
I pledge that i will use my knowledge and sensitize community eduacte them about the conservative measure for wetland and judicious use of wetland resources lived around the wetlands. Fundación Ecológica ECOBRION
Nos comprometemos a proteger los tesoros del Humedal Costero Laguna La Reina, como lo son su ecosistema manglar, biodiversidad, suelo y agua, junto a los Escuderos del Tesoro de La Reina de la U E Barlovento, comunidades y voluntarios de ECOBRION Dr. Vinay Kumar Saxena
हम शपथ लेते है कि हम सभी अपनी आद्रभूमियों, तालाबों, झीलों का संरक्षण करेंगे व उसमे प्लास्टिक, कूड़ा डालने व अन्य प्रदूषणकारी गतिविधि नहीं करेंगे। आद्रभूमियां प्राकृतिक धरोहर है हम स्वयं इसको संरक्षित कर अन्य नागरिकों को संरक्षण हेतु प्रेरित करेंगे। Jokhan Sharma
आर्द्रभूमि क्षेत्रों का मानवजीवन में बहुत महत्वपूर्ण स्थान है यह जल संरक्षण करने और इन पारिस्थितिकी प्रणालियों को बनाए रखता है। मैं अपनी स्थानीय समुदायों को आर्द्रभूमियों के महत्व व उपयोगिता का बारे में जागरूकता फ़ैलाने की प्रतिज्ञा लेता हूँ। Anuranj P R, KAU Thrissur
I pledge to start from the roots, with farmers, fishers, and communities. I will champion sustainability, honour traditions, and push for climate-smart solutions, ensuring wetlands thrive. To be a voice for wetlands not just in words but in action. Jean-Claude Labrosse
I pledge that I will contribute to the best of my ability to promote the sustainable and wise use of wetlands in Seychelles, in the region and beyond, wherever my ability permits me for the benefit of the future generations. Guadalupe Angel Vallejo Tapia
La conservación de los humedales exige determinación y acción inmediata. A través de la educación ambiental y la participación comunitaria, trabajaremos para restaurar y proteger estos ecosistemas vitales. Sandra Ponde-Imbuwa
I pledge my commitment to raising awareness about the vital role of wetlands, especially as crucial connecting corridors for wildlife habitats. Wetland ecosystems truly matter and I am going to do my best to action this truth Gokulananda Nandan
I pledge to photograph different characteristics of wetlands and show them to my students so that they can understand the importance of wetlands for their future and generations to come in the face of challenges posed by climate change. Sandhya Farswan
I pledge to protect the wetlands and sacred water bodies of the Himalayas, working with local communities to prevent unsustainable tourism and ensure their preservation for future generations. Veena B Kushwaha
I pledge to protect and preserve wetlands, recognizing their vital role in sustaining biodiversity, purifying water, preventing floods, and combating climate change. Sunya Sunya
250 Moses Odhiambo
I pledge to protect and conserve key wetland biodiversity through collaboration with local and indigenous communities and other stakeholders. iraj heshmati
I pledge to protect and sustainably manage wetlands to safeguard these vital ecosystems DROUPTI YADAV
Wetlands provide us with so much, clean water, biodiversity and climate resilience. Yet, we are losing them far too quickly. Protecting, restoring and improving the management of these ecosystems is critical for our future. Rajan Sharma,Lec
Message I am very happy to give me a space for Message on the World Wetland Day 2025.February 2 day for wetlands. Save Environment- Save Life. :-Rajan Sharma Lec In charge Eco Club GSS SinghPura Velupillai Prabhakaran
Sri Lanka
I will take bold actions to fix the economic state of my country, for the better of my community, people, and family. One bit at a time, whether it be recycling or planting trees. All hail Spencer Moore. Christabel Nasimiyu
I pledge to create an awareness of the wetlands importance and value in our daily lives and that of our future generations in my interaction with schools, people and the community as an environmentalist. Isaac Owuor Rayola Ondigo
I pledge to work with communities to ensure sustainable utilization of wetland resources and to secure the ecological and socio-economic services that wetlands play in achieving well-being of all Earth's inhabitants. Ivelina Suleva
I pledge to safeguard our precious wetlands, recognizing their vital role in biodiversity, water cycles, and climate change. We commit to raising awareness, reducing pollution, promoting sustainable practices, and supporting conservation efforts. Sasipriyan P
I pledge to safeguard wetlands for their vital roles in biodiversity, climate stability, and clean water. Together, let’s raise awareness, reduce pollution, and promote a sustainable future for all while minimizing our carbon footprint. Xavier Benedict
Take progressive action to protect the second-largest wetland in India to attract monsoon rain and reduce the impact of climate change to uplift the marginalised fishermen and farmers. Sahibu Batso
A pledge to create as much awaraness to making sure communities and individuals understand the immense importance wetlands hold in our ecosystems. Engaging all stakeholders to protect the coexisting native flora and unique fauna for a common future. DENR PENRO Bukidnon
We pledge to protect and restore wetlands, recognizing their role in biodiversity, climate resilience, and life support. Together, we commit to nurturing these ecosystems for a sustainable future and the well-being of generations to come. PE Chit
Burma (Myanmar)
Myanmar is going to promote CEPA activities to achieve the active participation of local communities for the wise use of wetlands to sustain the welfare of future generations. Carrie Murray Nature Center
United States
We pledge to educate our community about wetlands and their importance for biodiversity, so people can appreciate their beauty and help preserve them. Siva Sneha Jyothi P
I pledge to protect and restore wetlands for their role in carbon storage and biodiversity. At GCRS, we’re committed to combating climate change by identifying degraded areas and promoting nature-based solutions for a sustainable future. Pukkella Sri Siva Madhuri
I pledge to protect and restore wetlands, safeguarding them for future generations and the planet's health. Neeharika Chauhan
Wetlands holds the stories of species, cultures, and ecosystems. Wetlands are natural system that promises life, a gift of balance. It is important to GCRS because protecting it means protecting everything that grows, flows, and thrives within it. Dharmaraj T
I pledge to protect wetlands, recognizing their vital role in supporting biodiversity, regulating climate, and providing clean water. I commit to raising awareness, reducing pollution, and supporting sustainable practices. Jasmine Geddam
Geo Climate Risk Solutions, a landscape restoration company, pledge to protect and restore wetlands through Nature-Based Solutions. I commit to sustainable practices that preserve biodiversity, improve water quality, and support livelihoods. Manoj Gummadi
At GCRS, we provide sustainable solutions to restore wetlands and lakes. Pledge to support conservation through our data-driven LAMAS platform, which identifies threats, monitors health, and develops strategies for long-term sustainability. Dr. Suneel Kumar Joshi
At GCRS, we safeguard wetlands through our advanced LAMAS ( By providing scientific analysis and root cause assessments, we aim to identify key threats and develop effective strategies for conservation and sustainable management Priyanka Khanna
Wetlands are vital for climate resilience—absorbing carbon, reducing floods, and cooling cities. I pledge to protect and restore them, raise awareness, and support sustainable policies. Together, we can make a difference. Prasad Babu
Geo Climate Risk Solutions, a landscape restoration company, pledged to restore wetlands and lakes for sustainable living and thriving businesses. Our innovative product LAMAS is data-driven, helps diagnose and monitor wetlands and lakes' health. RAJ RAJAK
हम प्राकृत समंजन के साथ ही स्वस्थ स्वक्ष क्षेत्र बनाये व भविष्य के लिए सुरक्षित अनुकूलित वातावरणों को सकारात्मक स्वरूप को पोषित पालित पारिस्थितिकी प्रणालियों को जल इकाइयों से सर्वेसर्वा जीवन को सुविधा जनकल्याणकारी सहयोग बढ़ा सकते हैं जीवन प्रदान होगा RAJ RAJAK
हम प्राकृत समंजन के साथ ही स्वस्थ स्वक्ष क्षेत्र बनाये व भविष्य के लिए सुरक्षित अनुकूलित वातावरणों को सकारात्मक स्वरूप को पोषित पालित पारिस्थितिकी प्रणालियों को जल इकाइयों से सर्वेसर्वा जीवन को सुविधा जनकल्याणकारी सहयोग बढ़ा सकते हैं जीवन प्रदान होगा shaista ali
Recycle household trash, and make sure that harmful waste and garbage don't end up in wetlands and other water bodies. ASHISH RAVAL
Wetlands are among the most valuable ecosystems on Earth, offering critical environmental, economic & social benefits.Their imp. in today's age is more significant than ever due to growing environmental challenges .Protect and restore them. Dr. Mahesh Tandale
Slogan We environmentalists are single minded, will not allow biodiversity loss Conservation efforts of Lonar Lake, History of Lonar Lake to be presented to the world saif ullah
I commit to raising awareness about the vital role of wetlands in biodiversity, water security, and climate resilience. With the help of communities, I will protect and conserve Pakistan's wetlands for future generations. Imad-Ul-Din Zangi
Population boom & pollution drain our water. Animals suffer too. Wetland loss triggers ecosystem collapse & desertification. Protecting wetlands is crucial for our shared future. Act now. Harsh Pandya
I recognizing the critical importance of wetlands to the health of our planet and all living beings, pledge to take personal responsibility for their protection and preservation. Ganesh babu
United Arab Emirates
Iam from Dubai, Sobha constraction company, Environmental officer, Sustainability professional, restore wetlands with actions & advocacy through 2025, the midterm milestone of the UN Decade on Restoration and the Ocean Decade, as part of my 2025 Andre Crista
The Alagoas Brancas wetlands, threatened by urbanization, are crucial for flood prevention and host a rich biodiversity, including the largest reserve of a rare plant in Portugal. Immediate efforts are needed to safeguard the ecosystem Sunil Kumar
I will Protect and conserve wetlands for their crucial role in sustaining biodiversity, regulating water cycles, and combating climate change. Mohan Kukreti
Protect Wetlands, Preserve Biodiversity. Wetlands are crucial habitats for diverse species, highlighting the need for their conservation. Mahendra pratap singh Bais
2 फरवरी 2025 विश्व वेटलैंड दिवस की उपलक्ष में कई कार्य करने का मौका मिला जिसके कारण यह प्रतिज्ञा लिया गया कि पर्यावरण संरक्षण विश्व के लिए महत्वपूर्ण कार्य है और इसको पूर्ण श्रद्धा और लगन से करना चाहिए Mahendta pratap singh Bais
2 फरवरी 2025 विश्व वेटलैंड दिवस की उपलक्ष में कई कार्य करने का मौका मिला जिसके कारण यह प्रतिज्ञा लिया गया कि पर्यावरण संरक्षण विश्व के लिए महत्वपूर्ण कार्य है और इसको पूर्ण श्रद्धा और लगन से करना चाहिए The Pond Guy Inc
United States
To help the world enjoy ponds and all wetlands by being passionate, knowledgeable, and providing innovative solutions. Rubibi Ben Johnson
I pledge to inspire bold youth action to protect Africa’s wetlands. Guided by our rich cultures, we will honor nature, restore wetlands, and advocate for their future. We’ll ensure wetlands thrive as vital lifelines for our people and biodiversity. Md Zakir Hossain
Back in Wetland day 2025, we initiated the action to renovate the only canal in our community. It was quite a good success! This year we will assess the achievement and current status of the canal. Consulting community if anything more we can do. Ronald Ayazo
Promote the sustainable use, restoration, and conservation of wetlands Rajan Sharma Lec.
Message I am happy that 2 Feb is Wetlands Day ,marks the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands on 1971 Save Environment Save Life Rajan Sharma Incharge Eco Club GSS SinghPura Anthony Kadoma
I pledge to actively participate in the conservation and restoration of wetland ecosystems to ensure that they regain and maintain their ecological character. Engage other stakeholders to do the same. s babol municipality
we will facilitate the necessary measures to educate and increase the level of public awareness of local communities in relation to the protection of wetlands, support the wise use of wetlands s babol municipality
as members of the Babol City Wetland Working Group, we pledge to use all efforts to preserve and restore the wetlands of Babol city, especially the inner city wetlands. Patrick Mattison
United States
I will show my love of Hilo and of Lokowaka and its wildlife through dedication to renovating and restoring their homes. We humans have had a major impact, and it is our responsibility. What a privilege it is. These are our friends. Kumiko Mattison
United States
In the spirit of Aloha ʻĀina, we pledge to restore Hawaiʻi’s landscapes. Through the ʻĀina Hoʻōla Initiative, we revitalize wetlands and loko iʻa at Lokowaka Pond in Hilo, preserving our environment and cultural heritage for future generations. Beatriz Oliveira-Goumas
We need to preserve Alagoas Brancas Wetlands in Portugal. It's a small but a rich biodiversity wetland! Rosa Guedes
We need preserve Alagoas Brancas Wetlands in Portugal. It's a small but a rich biodiversity wetland! Rosa Guedes
We need preserve Alagoas Brancas Wetlands in Portugal. It's a small but a rich biodiversity wetland! Jorge Tito
We need to preserve the Wetlands ALAGOAS in Lagoa - Algarve - Portugal This unique habitat is in risk. The authorities - City Council is not showing any interest, after the central government spent millions in buying it. Please HELP VOICING THE RISK Ajay Krantikari
मैं अपनी पृथ्वी को हरित बनाने हेतु अधिक से अधिक वृक्षारोपण करने के साथ ही वृक्षों को कटने से बचाकर जलवायु परिवर्तन को रोकूंगा और धरती पर नमी बनी रहे इसके लिए वर्षा जल संचयन को बढ़ावा दूंगा।जिससे धरती पर जैव विविधता बनी रहे और पर्यावरण संतुलित रहे। Ana Maria NOGUEIRA
Wetlands in Portugal play a vital role in the country’s ecological health and provide numerous benefits to both, the environment and society. I promise to protect PT’s wetlands, and in particular Alagoas Brancas, Lagoa, to the best of my ability. Paulo Maio
Alagoas Brancas, Lagoa, Portugal a hotspot in Algarve where only more four places in the world have a mix of species Damassonyum like this. Unfortenately nowdays is full abandoned and with the danger of create a supermarket place. Roberto Salustri
Nella salvaguardia dei laghi e delle zone umide dei Castelli Romani Susana Alvarez Noguerón
A través de mi práctica docente dar a conocer a la comunidad que rodea la escuela, proponer proyectos escolares para difundir la importancia de cuidar los humedales así como tomar acciones para su cuidado. Crisante Vieira Luz
Let the Wetlands live long and enable them to render their services to act as habitat for several species we depend on. Do not pollute them; Do not encroach them, Do not spoil them. Hand it over to your children in their pristine condition. Francisco Cerqueira
Ao comemorar os 25 anos da Área Protegida das Lagoas de Bertiandos e São Pedro d'Arcos prometo tudo fazer no sentido de cumprir os ODS em geral e promover a biodiversidade em particular Sreenath Nair
United Arab Emirates
Wetlands are more than just ecosystems; they are nature's protectors, shielding us from floods. Hence, we should ensure we at least raise a voice to protect it. I do that from hereon. Desalegn Eshetu
Thanks for Wetlands to sink our wastes Rui Sousa
Comprometo-me a dar seguimento ao trabalho que tenho vindo a fazer e transmitir ao longo dos anos na Área Protegida das Lagoas de Bertiandos e São Pedro de Arcos - Ponte de Lima. Sara Cardoso
Comprometo-me a proteger e valorizar estes ecossistemas, promovendo práticas de preservação da biodiversidade e sensibilizando as pessoas para importância destas áreas. #Inspirar mudanças #atuar localmente #diminuir pegada ecológica Francisco Lourenço
Prometo transmitir a todos quantos nos visitam o conhecimento e bases necessários para que possam respeitar, preservar, cuidar, manter e divulgar a a zona húmida das Lagoas de Bertiandos e São Pedro d'Arcos em Ponte de Lima Maurice Ngiramahoro
I pledge to conserve wetlands, which are iconic habitats for wildlife, vital carbon sinks for climate change mitigation, and essential ecosystems that provide critical benefits to biodiversity, freshwater supply, and the well-being of nations. By pro Lwazi Khuzwayo
South Africa
I pledge to protect the wetlands for current and future generations. I pledge to provide more education about wetlands, their importance and how to protect them especially to communities and schools. Anja Neduk
I pledge to think ahead and promote the protection of our future well-being by advocating for and implementing solutions today. We must help nature restore itself so it can continue to support us in the future. Taressa Amensisa
Wetlands are essential for maintaining biodiversity, filtering water, controlling floods, and storing carbon. Taressa Amensisa
That's a wonderful and meaningful pledge! Wetlands are essential for maintaining biodiversity, filtering water, controlling floods, and storing carbon. Omar Mansori
I pledge to protect wetlands because they are vital to our global health, offering crucial ecosystem services that sustain communities, wildlife, and future generations. Pradeep M S
I pledge to protect and restore mangroves, recognizing their vital role as nature’s guardians of our coastlines, homes for diverse marine life, and shields against climate change. By preserving mangroves, we sustain not only the rich ecosystems they Anabela Blofeld
We at Salvar as Alagoas Brancas and all ONG´s pledge the local authorities to recognize , preserve, value the vital role wetlands play in sustaining life on Earth for future generations by encouraging the involvement of local communities. Agustin Armando Amin Eldin Curiel
Seguir defendiendo los humedales y todos sus elementos de biodiversidad con argumentos solidos y apasionados a cerca de nuestra ancestral relación con estos cuerpos de agua que fueron y son parte de nuestra cultura, nuestra identidad y sustento. RAJ RAJAK
मैं परिस्थितिकीतंत्र तभी संतुलित मानेंगे जबतक कि रामसर-दलदली भू-भाग, जल-निकायों, ताल,पोखरों,पहाड़ि झरने से श्रर्वते स्वचलित स्वस्थ्य जल की बुंदे छोटी-बड़ी इकाइयों और इनके विभिन्न प्रकार के छोटे-बड़े पशुओं-पक्षीयों,पौधों-पेड़ों-लताओं-झाड़ीयो निवासी हो Raphaël N'Doua ETILE
Ivory Coast
Une telle journée renforcera les engagements des opinions en faveur de la préservation des zones humides (ZH), élément clé dans la régulation climatique, la purification de l'eau et le maintien de la biodiversité. Je m'engage pour preserver des ZH. Bayyavarapu Laksman
It is always a great opportunity work closely with wetlands... Ecosystem of birds and plants... Protect them for future generations Bolton Kakava
I pledge to protect our wetlands as they support groundwater recharge, offer water purification services, prevent and mitigate flooding, provide freshwater supply, assist in maintenance of a robust and resilient biodiversity. Rosa Mar Tato Ortega
On Feb 2, visit Coolart Wetlands, Victoria, in conjunction with Western Port Biosphere, for a public program blending art and nature. Featuring Current of Practice, an exhibition exploring artists' responses to this year’s World Wetland theme. Nelisiwe Ngomane
South Africa
I pledge to recognize and value the vital role wetlands play in sustaining life on Earth. I commit to understanding their importance in maintaining biodiversity, regulating water cycles, and mitigating climate change. Edward Huang
United States
As a conservation professional & a local grassroots I pledge to protect & restore wetlands with actions & advocacy through 2025, the midterm milestone of the UN Decade on Restoration and the Ocean Decade, as part of my 2025 new year resolutions. Regis EKAREKIENG ONGONE
Les zones humides, essentielles pour la biodiversité et les communautés, sont menacées par l’urbanisation, l’exploitation et une gouvernance faible. Malgré les engagements, peu d’actions concrètes suivent. Protéger ces écosystèmes est incontournable Jayant Kumar
I Pledge for World Wetlands Day – 2 February 2025 Wetlands are among the most vital ecosystems on our planet, providing countless benefits to humans, wildlife, and the environment. On this World Wetlands Day, I pledge to protect and restore these pr Dhaoui Eya
Support organizations that protect wetlands Educate others about the importance of wetlands Volunteer for wetland restoration projects Izuchukwu Uche
I pledge to restore degraded wetland in the Niger Delta, as part of my professional duties, specifically mangroves and to ensure that mangrove are protected and conserved were possible, and to sensitize the people on their importance. Kefilwe Boikhutso
I pledge to protect and preserve our precious wetlands for future generations. I recognize the vital role that wetlands play in supporting biodiversity, regulating water cycles, mitigating climate change, and providing numerous ecosystem services. Niraj Kumar
Wetlands are vital ecosystems that sustains biodiversity, regulate water cycles, and provide numerous benefits to both the environment and human communities. We must conserve Wetlands for future generations for sustainable well-being and survival. shahnawaz kamaal Siddiqui
Encourage the involvement of local communities in wetland management, ensuring they benefit economically and socially from sustainable practices that protect these ecosystems. Maria Pilar Alvarez Zanabria
Promover celebrar las fiestas de fin de año Sin Pirotecnia y difundir la campaña Sin Pirotecnia en la zona ZRE de los Humedales Pantanos de Villa desarrollada por Prohvilla. Promover acciones para celebrar el DMH y difundir los objetivos Ramsar 2025 Beatriz Solís Rincón
Nuestro proyecto educa ambientalmente y reforesta humedales: Nuestros objetivos específicos son: -REFORESTAR 70 hectáreas. -INTEGRAR INFANCIAS para crear una generación de 200,000 conciencias ecológicas para el beneficio ambiental. SAROJA BARIK
Raise youth voice and encourage community for conservation of Wetland. Exchange of knowledge to built the platform for restoration of degraded Wetland to mitigate Climate Change in a global level. Renjan Mathew Varghese
We realize that wetlands are very productive ecosystems and their existence is essential for our common future; therefore we will regard them with high value, protect them without compromising their quality and quantity, and inspire others to do so. BHOOMITHRA SENA CLUB ST. STEPHEN'S COLLEGE, UZHAVOOR
"I pledge to protect and restore our wetlands. I commit to raising awareness, conserving water, reducing pollution, and supporting efforts to sustain these ecosystems. Together, let us safeguard wetlands for future generations and mother nature. Madhukar Swayambhu
We, Vaidic Srijan LLP, a climate Tech Startup from Bharat (India) pledge to restore the health of the Waterbodies, Water Channels and Wetlands, with a prime focus to restore the ecosystem services from them to their respective vicinities, whenever an