Wall of Pledges

Pledges to Act for Wetlands

Sameer Lande
Planet tree for river & clean river street my pledge
Jayshree Singh
Conservation of Wetlands is the responsibility to allow freedom to many living species of flora and fauna, of biosphere to exist, survive and sustain for the balanced ecology-auditing of environmental sustainability.
Beatriz Solís Rincón
Ampliar la conservación, el uso racional y la restauración de los humedales para lograr los Objetivos del Desarrollo Sostenible (RAMSAR) Llevaremos a cabo 3 acciones prioritarias para la restauración de los ecosistemas. Laguna El Encanto y Zumpango
silvina iribarne
En Viedma. Rio Negro. Argentina. hay mas de 100 lagunas resabios de un gran brazo de Rio, hoy en dia nos comprometemos, a divulgar su existencia, su importancia. la descripcion de su biodiversidad y de educar respecto a la importancia de su ciudado.
Riedewaan Charles
South Africa
I pledge to help in every way possible to conserve and protect our wetlands. It is a source of life, and habitat to large scale fauna and flora. Wetlands are lifesaving areas which must be protected, and cared for!
Munish Kumar
I pledge to Always ready to serve the environment. Motivate farmers, people to serve the environment.. Organic farming.. Save ground water.
Shivank Arya
I pledge to ensure that I'll keep the envierment clean and healthy to take care of them.
Nandini Sawant
I take a pledge to ensure that I do my very best to keep our environment as well as the wetlands safe and thriving for our feathery and flight-taking guests. I shall do everything in my power to not harm and to contribute to the wellness of birds.
Bhavesh Goyal
Save endangered animals from extinction
Wade Stars
I commit to implementing measures to reduce the rate of water drainage in the tiny nature reserve under our management in Lincolnshire. Implementing this plan will foster the growth of our wet willow wetland, https://www.google.com
Mukesh Kumar Gudeswar
I pledge to make conscious choices in my daily activities to minimize my impact on wetlands, such as reducing water consumption and using eco-friendly products.
Beatriz Solís
Del 5 al 10 de junio de 2024; vamos a Reforestar el Sitio Ramsar Sistema de Lagunas Interdunarias de la Ciudad de Veracruz #1450 en las Lagunas El. Encanto y. Zumpango, La Ilusión y. Ensueño, El Encierro y Las Conchas. Con especies tropicales.
Rafael Eugenio Tovar Chia
Tres espectaculares recorridos de avistamiebto de aves en su entorno natural. Fabulosos equipos comunitarios nos reuniremos para realizar esta magnífica fiesta de ciencia ciudadana y participativa. Tenemos un alto componente educativo para compartir
Arabella Shrimpton
I pledge to save the wet lands and the animals that live in the wet lands by being conscious about the water I am using.
Attorney Manish Jadhav
Stopping illegal tree's cutting by authorities and adamants through advocacy by fling writ petitions
Elise Hyde
I pledge to raise awareness about wetlands, and how they need to be protected.
Andoniaina NARISOA
Sauver les zones humides, sauver notre future
María Peugnet.
Seguiré comprometida con reducir el uso del plástico. Igual compartir ésto con un grupo de la familia y amistades y así lograr más grupos comprometidos.
nicole roberts
United Kingdom
I pledge to reduce my day-to-day influence on wetlands by making careful choices.
Nikola Pupolina
United Kingdom
I pledge to feed water animals near me.
Eleanor A
United Kingdom
i pledge to save water and feed water birds to protect the wetlands
Alan Letelier
Me comprometo a cuidar los humedales aportar con mis conocimientos y redes para proteger los humedales
Chris Williams
United Kingdom
I pledge to work to “slow the flow” where possible in the small nature reserve we manage in Lincolnshire. This will develop our wet willow wetland, increase the diversity of plants and wildlife, and reduce flooding downstream. Every little helps.
Sarah Glenn
United Kingdom
I pledge to work as a volunteer in the saltmarsh and fresh marsh of my local wildlife reserve for as long as I can and to contribute to campaigns to stop use of peat.
Karan Kumar
I pledge for wetland days that i will help my all effort to this campaign and safe the water and our Ramsar sites in India.
Clodoaldo,Suzete e Júlia Bernardo
Sítio Bela Vista Agrofloresta will continue to recover degraded areas with agroforestry systems along with others that will preserve the Environment and the Atlantic Forest. And that more people around the world can make this commitment.
Marília Cunha Lignon - UNESP
I promise to continue working with research, education, and science dissemination, helping in the management of protected areas, and promoting mangrove ecosystem conservation.
DENR Cenro Borongan
I commit to actively addressing the deterioration of wetlands, biodiversity, and ecosystems by actively opposing bushfires, refraining from using harmful toxins for fishing, adhering to fishing bans, refraining from cutting down trees in wetlands, pr
Kauã Soares
Prometo não desmatar ou poluir qualquer lugar da natureza e conscientizar as pessoas sobre a importância das áreas úmidas para o nosso planeta e divulgar sobre essas conscientizações e usar as redes sociais para espalhar esse assunto mundo afora
Escola de Verão Planeta Oceano e Mata Atlântica
We pledge to bring knowledge, raising awareness about the importance of the Atlantic Forest, Brazilian mangroves and estuaries, the nursery ground of marine life, to reduce deforestation and pollution, thus acting in favour of wetlands.
Webster Chibesa
My pledge is to take action against wetlands, biodiversity and ecosystem degradation by decampaining bush fires, not to use harmful poisons for fishing,to abide by fish banns , not to cut trees in wetlands, good fishing ,not throwing litters
UNAI Chapter
I pledge to reduce plastic, water, and depleting necessities to the best of my abilities and to increase use of eco-friendly products in our daily lives. I pledge to practice rainwater harvesting and other developmental measures to conserve water.
Kiranpreet Kaur
On World Wetlands Day, people around the world make pledges to protect and conserve wetland ecosystems. These pledges can include actions like reducing pollution, preserving biodiversity, and raising awareness about the importance of wetlands.
Benneth Reuben
I pledge to act for wetlands, guardians of biodiversity and essential ecosystems. I will advocate, conserve, and cherish these vital habitats for the well-being of our planet and future generations.
Santhosh Kumar
I pledge to make conscious choices in my daily activities to minimize my impact on wetlands, such as reducing water consumption and using eco-friendly products.
T.k.shamile Thiyagarajan
I promise to be positively contagious and share more smiles, laughter, encouragement and joy with those around me.
Naveen Kumar
Pledge to protect vital wetlands? Every acre counts! Join the movement before it's too late.
Annammal P
I pledge to actively work towards the preservation and restoration of wetlands.
Vijay Kanth reddy
I pledge to safeguard wetlands,which serves as an conservation and fostering and to safe gaurd our environment.
Dhanisha M
I will plant trees, shrubs and flowers to preserve the ecological balance.
Veera Balan
I hereby pledge that i would not use anymore plastic and hereafter save the environment
V.B.priyanka Vimal
I pledge that i won't use harmful plastics and polythene bags and i won't make our land to be waste by using the plastic.I will be a best example for everyone to be behave in positive way i won't hurt animals hereafter.
Let's nurture the nature so that we can have a better future 🌿
Bavani Priya
We must protect our land, oceans and freshwater, for people and planet
Catherin Stefy
I pledge to engage in responsible tourism, respecting wetland environments during visits.
Rithik M Rithik
I'll protect animal and birds in our village
Nisha Deva Priya J
I will protect the habitat by taking steps to conserve the species especially endangered ones.
Joshua J Mathews
I pledge that i would look forward to planting trees and saving the environment
Merlin P
Save trees save future
priya meekaal
avoid vehicle avoid pollutions
Mageshwari B
I pledge to reduce my water and waste footprint to protect wetland ecosystems.
Sathish R
I will not use plastic items
I promise to cherish and protect our wetlands vital ecosystem that sustains life.
Shamile T.k
Set a positive example with my behavior
Lathif siraj Khan
Planting of trees helpful to our climate change, Also involves fresh air.which every creature require.
N Sanjay
I pledge to actively participate in wetland restoration projects within my community.
Vinaayak K
A tree can absorb as much as 22 kg of carbon dioxide per year. Let us create a better future for all by planting trees.
Abishek Abi
I pledge to make aware to people about our diverse earth which is full of natural resources.Especially to save wetland around us.
Nithish Kumar N
I will definitely keep a small water tub in terrace for birds
Vishnu Varadhan
Take responsibility for your actions by pledging to enjoy wetlands responsibly, respecting their fragile ecosystems and minimizing your ecological footprint.
Krishna Raj Somu
I will avoid use of plastics to safeguard the environment.
S.Rithika S.Rithika
Green India ,clean India
I pledge to raise awareness about the threats facing wetlands and the need for their preservation.
S.Rithika S.Rithika
Green India ,clean India
Pranesh Pranesh
I will save the tree
Eswar Moorthy
Planting of trees helpful to our climate change, Also involves fresh air.which every creature require.
Agnes Johanna
Take responsibility for your actions by pledging to enjoy wetlands responsibly, respecting their fragile ecosystems and minimizing your ecological footprint.
S.Abinaya S.Abinaya
S.Abinaya S.Abinaya
Bold action
Mary Angeline Santhosam
Lets Protect this unique Habitats for the future generation.
Raghavendra Pachhapur
Lakes have the potentials of a Biodiversity Hotspots, let us conserve lakes and boost biological diversities.
S.Alvaseela Banu Vaseela Banu
I protect wetland
S.Alvaseela Banu Vaseela Banu
I protect wetland
M.Archana Archu
India is my country. All Indian are my brothers and sisters.” I love my country and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage. I shall always strive to be worthy of it. I shall give my parents, teachers and all elders respect
Senthilkumar Arukkutti
Let us protect lakes.
Premnath babu
United Arab Emirates
Pledge to protect vital wetlands? Every acre counts! Join the movement before it's too late.
K Saraswathi
The land should be fertilizer the water is must need for land that time plant are grow well
Joseph Kaberia
Planting of trees helpful to our climate change, Also involves fresh air.which every creature require.
Nathiya R
Don't use the plastic
Nathiya R
I'm bold girl, I'm very intelligent and good person, study is very important in my life then family my mom is great mom in the world,my dad is my first hero.thank you.
Josica S. S. Josica
Nothing Work hard
Худойбердийв Адхамали
M.Nandhini Murugesan
I never use in plastic bags and put the waste in trashcan Save our environment
Rajan Patel
Were being here now onwards the only choice left is to planting more & more trees also this is the universal surpass of all nature and human problems
Akshaya .s
planting tree,shurbs,and flower to perserve the ecological balance of local wetland
Ceferino Vázquez
Sistema de lagunas interdunarias de Veracruz. El grupo organizado Ensueño e Ilusión seguirá trabajando para rescatar estos humedales en condición de riesgo y abandono. Ya retiramos el lirio invasivo, falta recuperar la sanidad del agua.
BCI Instituto Costero de Baja California Sur
Continuaremos realizando actividades de sensibilización para nuestras comunidades y herramientas curriculares para profesores enfocados en la importancia de conservar los humedales.
Sriabinaya.R Sriabinaya.R
I am not use plastic things in my land
Muthu Meena
I will plant more trees and i will not use any plastic things. Sure I will do rain water harvest , i will save the groundwater level
M.shanmathi M.shanmathi
I will not cut tha tree .land is one of gift of nature which is provided free to mankind
Parameshwari.M Murugan
Avoid plastics and save nature
Yuva Laxmi
Save green save world
Kamali Paramasivam
I will not throw plastics and wastages in order to save my land. And I'll make sure that my family also don't do that.
Dr. Mahesh Tandale
आम्हा पर्यावरण प्रेमींचा एकच ध्यास, होऊ देणार नाही जैवविविधतेचा ऱ्हास I करू सरोवराच्या संवर्धनाचा प्रयास, जगा समोर मांडू लोणार सरोवराचा इतिहास II डॉ. महेश रामचंद्र तांदळे
Rejoyce Mvalo
I pledge to make communities aware of the importance of preserving wetlands by not engaging in any human activities that disrupt the natural life cycle of wetlands like dumping pollution through dumping of garbage and construction activities.
Kammayani Kandari
Aware and spread awareness among children importance of wetlands in our lives.
Surendra Pratap
I pledge myself not to throw plastic waste in wetlands and encourage others to do so.
La Guardería Ambiental En Cabo Pulmo
Organizar 1 limpieza al mes en los humedales aledaños durante el 2024 y realizar 3 campañas de sensibilización sobre la importancia de la conservación de los humedales
Yasin Banu
I will make sure to preserve rain water and pour it to the trees near by my place and I will avoid the usage of plastics
Divya. B Divya
S. Saranya S.Saranya
I pledge to cherish and protect our wetlands, vital ecosystems that sustain life
Priya Dharshini.B
I try to plant more saplings, trees to save lands!
m. Karthika Devi
I protect this wet land by planting more trees
Aafia Zunairah A
I promise to cherish and protect our wetlands vital ecosystem that sustains life. I pledge to cherish and protect our wetlands, vital ecosystem that sustain life. I wish to Save the wetlands and then we can think about saving the entire earth. Health
Dharani Dharani. T
I will not use plastic in order to protect my land
Harinitha M
I will not use plastics in order to protect my land
Pavithra Pavithra
I will not use plastic in order to. Product my land
Janani Janani
Tree ya cut paina mattouim save water
Luz adriana quintero rendón
I live in the city of Medellín but in other cities many wetlands are dying. I will do my best to study and manage effective actions so that the wetlands do not die and have life again.
We are from Zoological Survey of India, Sundarban Regional Centre, pledge to actively work on the conservation of Sundarban mangroves ecosystem of Ramsar site of India. We will never use plastic for save our mangroves ecosystem in India.
Ashwathy J
I will never use plastic for my safety of land and I will only put the waste in the dustbin for the sake of my land. I will protect it with my all potential.
Bessy Castillo
Siempre con la naturaleza y su conservación
Ellen Wehr
United States
In California's Central Valley I pledge to support wetland restoration and protection in all forms, and defend their water supplies!
Barb Beasley
We who volunteer and work with the Wetland Stewards for Clayoquot & Barkley Sounds pledge to protect wetland habitats and surrounding landscapes to ensure there is connectivity for amphibians and other wildlife to access all the resources they need.
Maureen Kuenen
We from KCC, pledge to actively work on the conservation of the natural ecosystems of the Ramsar site Klein Curaçao. We will protect our pristine reef communities and key nesting areas for birds and sea turtles, and create awareness
I visited few wetland near me. where many birds are flying in filled.
Treetop Family Nurture Centre Treetop Family nurture centre
United Kingdom
We at Treetop Family Nurture Centre in Rosyth pledge to do our best to conserve our water, recycle our waste, reuse and recycle preloved toys, clothes and house items. As well as reducing food going to landfill through our fareshare shop.
rachel bruhnke
United States
I pledge to teach my Environmental Resource Engineering HS students about the importance of wetlands!
Shamrutha S
I make a greenish work place and plant more trees
Harini S
I wil not hurt anyone
S Shamrutha
I pledge to build a supportive workplace for those who are living with cancer.
Poornima T Poornima
I will not use plastic to protect my land , I will plant more trees to keep my land cool , endless love towards mother Earth
Rebecca Wolfe, PhD
United States
In Edmonds, WA our community is working with state agencies to acquire, protect, and restore a valuable marsh. It is one of the very few remaining on our coastline because of commercial development and is important for birds, salmon, and people.
I pledge to conserve our wetlands and create awareness to students and local public for protection of wetland.
Dr. Gaurav Sharma, ZSI, MoEFCC, GoI
Conservation of Water and Wetlands are must for the survival of all living organisms in this planet Earth. The human has to live in the harmony of the NATURE and to do efforts to provide best place to live on this planet EARTH for coming generations.
Divya. B Divya.B
I will not use plastic
Andre Preciado
Reducir el consumo de energía
M Arthi
Planting trees for soil fertility
Sri nathisha Sri nathisha
I won't use plastic
Dhayapari Sathishkumar
I will not use plastic
Satha Sri
I will not drop any plastic waste on the land in order to protect my land space . It's my responsibility to save my nature
Edward Huang
United States
CIEDM personnel takes action to maintain the Arcadia Ecohome's seasonal wetlands capacities with the onsite distributed rain gardens, drainage channels & basins in holding storm water and other eco-services through the 2024 winter raining season.
A.Sharmila A.Sharmila
I pledge to improve my awareness on the importance of wetlands and how I can help the wetlands in my area , as well as to educated those around me. I will protect. On wetlands day, I promise to cherish and protect our wetlands vital ecosystem.
Niranjana Devi
I will not use plastic inorder to protect my Land
R. Natha maliga
I use plants to keep the soil wet, Because plants bring rain, i love planting. My advice is to avoid usage of plastic.
Asina banu
Household plants and gardens.by practising little care in our gardens we can help the wetlands immensely
Gayathri Madhavan
Try to plant more trees
T Sangeetha
I did not use plastic bags or things and I did not use the land un nesscary I use in safe way
I have save wetland
M.P. Ismitha
I will not use any plastic things in my land. I will protect the nature.
B.priya Dharshini
All are save the land
Dharani S
Planting trees, shrubs and flowers to preserve the ecological balance of local wetlands.
Meera Meera
I will not use any plastic things in my land and I will protect my land
Manav Gupta
I will not use plastic to save our environment!!
Tharini S
By doing some land conservative iniciative
Santhiya Santhiya
I will not use plastic in order to protect my land
Rathika. M Rathika.M
I pledge to act for wetlands, guardians of biodiversity and essential ecosystems
Deivak Kani
I will not use plastics in my land
S.munisha Devi
I will not pollute the environment
Harini Priya Senthilvel
Today,I pledge to act for wetlands,guardians of biodiversity and essential ecosystems.
Bharakath Thaslim
We don't use plastic
R.kiruthika R.KIRUTHIKA
I will not use plastic I will save our land
Madhumitha R
The wetlands shall be conserved and managed in accordance with the principle of 'wise use' for maintaining their ecological integrity.
"Today, I pledge to act for wetlands, guardians of biodiversity and essential ecosystems. I will advocate, conserve, and cherish these vital habitats for the well-being of our planet and future generations."
M.Abianaya Abinaya
I will follow the rules to make the world wetland . I may follow the Act for wetlands.
Sougata Bhar
Wetlands are the hearts & souls of Mother Nature Let’s all protect it!
Prathija R
I Pledge to product our wetlands, ecosystem that sustain life.
Prathija R
I Pledge to product our wetlands, ecosystem that sustain life. P
Shreen Jawahar Bee
I will protect wetlands at all cost
Lloyd Helferty
As Founder of the Global Unity Network (#UnityNet) I pledge to help all people in my local community #adapt to climate change and help to #reverse biodiversity loss, protect and #restore our local wetlands and secure a #regenerative future for all.
Y.Almas Banu
Household plants and gardens by praticising a little care in our garden
S.Deva Shree
I protect plants from destroying
Athilakshmi sundarrajan
"Today, I pledge to act for wetlands, guardians of biodiversity and essential ecosystems. I will advocate, conserve, and cherish these vital habitats for the well-being of our planet and future generations."
Birundha Govindaraj
If someone we want to do, first we that to prepare will. For that we need to come across many important stages at there we need to by bold and strong.
Santhiya G
We save wetland
B. Rajeshwari Subramani
I will save the wetland ecosystem
Tharshini. T Thangaraju
Save life and protect environment
Bismah F Gulzar N
S.Thendral Shanmugam
Save water save life
I pledge to actively work towards the preservation and restoration of wetlands.
S.Thendral Shanmugam
Be strong
K.Gopika K.Gopika
I pledge to prevent and cherish wetlands. I will avoid use of plastics to safeguard the environment.
S. Saranya S.Saranya
I pledge to protect and preserve wedlands
Planting trees, shrubs and flowers to preserve the ecological balance of local wetlands.
Dhakini A
Household Plants and Gardens. By practising a little care in our gardens, we can help the wetlands immensely.
Planting trees, shrubs and flowers to preserve the ecological balance of local wetlands.
R. dhivya Dhivya
Save wetlands
Harshini V
We will plant trees
Tharshini. T Thangaraju
Make self-confidence and face challenges
Hema Shree
Celebrating world wetlands day ,I commit myself for sustainability -restoration-awarness
N.karpparatchambigai N.karpparatchambigai
wetlands are also known as kidneys of The environment . World wetlands day is celebrated on the date of 2nd February of every year. The importance of wetlands is highly highlighted on this date. People from different parts of the world celebrates
Sathieswari Suresh
To protect and preserve wet lands
Snageswari S
Our pledge is very consciously ...
Lakshmi Prabha
I pledge to cherish and protect wetlands. Wetlands are the biodiversity hotspots.
Naga Nandhini
Save wetlands
Lakshmi Prabha
I pledge to cherish and protect wetlands. Wetlands are the biodiversity hotspots.
S Pooja
I pledge to protect our wetlands ,vital ecosystems that sustain life
B. Harini B. Harini
I pledge to cherish and protect our wetlands, vital ecosystems that sustain life. I'll raise awareness about their importance, minimise my ecological footprint, and actively participate in local conservation efforts
Santhiya Senthil
Grow trees and plants
Shobana S
Keep surface areas that wash into storm drains clean from pet waste, toxic chemicals, fertilizers and motor oil, which can eventually reach and impair our wetlands. Use native species when planting trees, shrubs and flowers to preserve the ecological
K.Abinaya K.abinaya
Avoid soil erosion
Vaishnavi .k
I pledge to safeguard wetlands,which serves as an conservation and fostering and enhancing human lives and environment. I pledge to safe gaurd our environment.
Anni Lyfin
I pledge to cherish and protect our wetlands, vital ecosystems that sustain life
Dayyan Khalid
This is my country and i want to protect my wetlands , our ecosystem which are our needs to survive and sustain life on this planet.
Anni Lyfin.X
Nancy J
I pledge to improve my awareness on the importance of wetlands and how I can help the wetlands in my area , as well as to educated those around me.
I will protect.
R.keerthana Ramakrishnan
On wetlands day , I promise to cherish and protect our wetlands vital ecosystem that sustains life.
Md Areeb
We pledge to undertake necessary actions and join with different stakeholders to conserve and protect our wetlands
Hema Priya
Make sure to prevent our nature on earth against plastics
Md Areeb
We pledge to undertake necessary action and join hands with different stakeholders conserve and protect our wetlands
Rajeshwari S
I pledge to cherish and protect our wetlands, vital ecosystem that sustain life.
Hema Dharshini
Today as a Indian and world citizen would like to pledge to conserve and protect wetlands health
Jenita B
I pledge to protect and preserve wetlands
G Angel G Angel
I wish to Save the wetlands and then we can think about saving the entire earth. Healthy wetlands are imperative for a healthy earth.
P. Abinaya
I want to grow some plants in the wetlands and to protect our wetlands.This way of try will be help to develop our country.
Jemima Josi
Due to this nature beauty are reducing day by day So save the nature beauty and do not take wetlands Save nature
Iris Jessica.A
To make myself happy and blessed in this year
S. Shwetha S. Shwetha
"Wetlands are the lungs of the earth, providing valuable oxygen and combating climate change."
Romel Roy
As an Environmentalist I pledge to save existing wetlands , make new wetland structures in my community & around , spread information & awareness regarding benefits of wetlands. In addition I would educate myself regarding latest technology solutions
Karthiga Devi
I pledge to cherish,protect our wetlands and vital ecosystems that sustain life
M. Booma Devi
We want to clean the water. We should not put the garbage in the water. Keep surface areas that wash into storm drains clean from pet waste,toxic chemicals, fertilizers and motor oil, which can eventually reach & impair our wetlands. Use native speci
M. Booma Devi
We want to clean the water. We should not put the garbage in the water. Keep surface areas that wash into storm drains clean from pet waste,toxic chemicals, fertilizers and motor oil, which can eventually reach & impair our wetlands. Use native speci
Beth Lawrence
United States
I pledge to promote the understanding and conservation of wetlands by communicating their importance to diverse audiences and through research on wetland drivers of change and their restoration.
Mahalakshmi K
I pledge that i will aware peopke regarding the benefitsof having our wetlands clean and make it and keep it clean.Today as a indian and world citizen would like to pledge to conserve and protect wetland health.
Srimathi M
I pledge to give my effort to conserve wetland through awareness among the public including students of different levels for well being of flora - fauna and human being to save the Earth.
G.sharmili G.sharmili
This is my country,I have the responsibilities to save the country
Srinithi Vp
I pledge to cherish and protect our wetlands, vital ecosystems that sustain life.
Jessica Driver
United States
I pledge to clean up around streams, Waterways and wetlands to enable the wonderful creatures around it to have a safe and thriving place to live!
Srinithi V.P
I pledge to cherish and protect our wetlands, vital ecosystems that sustain life.
Shashi Bala
.I pledge to protect and preserve wetlands, which play a crucial role in sustaining and enhancing the quality of our lives, by fostering conservation, safeguarding, and promoting sustainable practices. I pledge to be a guardian of wetlands.
I Pledge to cherish and protect our wetlands, vital ecosystems that sustain life
Bhavani M
This is my country .IAM the responsibility to save the country .Iam don't throw any waste thing in land .
S. Priya Dharshini
Reduce the use of plastic, whether it is plastic water bottles or disposable plastic containers, straws and cutlery. Reuse and recycle to the maximum possible extent.
Leelavinodha R.P
Save water!!!!Save earth !! Avoidages of using plastic !!keep our heart clean!!
Lalima R
I pledge to cherish and protect our wetlands, vital ecosystems that sustain life.
Lavanya M
It should be maintained regularly.
Учні 10-Б класу Опорний заклад-ліцей №2 Березівської міської ради Одеської області
Ми обіцяємо: вивчати водно-болотні угіддя рідного краю, привертати увагу до їх проблем та захищати їх. Ми пишаємося Тилігульським лиманом - Рамсарським угіддям Одещини!!!
Nachammai S
Waste and recycling Can reduce polution
Infanta K
Wetlands and Human Wellbeing” focuses on the interconnectedness between wetlands and various aspects of human wellbeing, including physical, mental and environmental health.
M Rajakumari
Wetland save water for future take care of the wetland
Jose Pueyrredon
SOS HUMEDALES - Conservación sostenible e integral de humedales, involucrando a la ciudadanía, patrocinadores y dirección técnica para valorizar estos ambientes y concientizar a la comunidad de su importancia social, cultural, ambiental y en salud.
Ammi Mikidadi
I pledge to charish and safeguard the delicate beauty of wetlands in our ancestral land.I commit to actively engaging in initiatives that nature and preserve our natural environment.I always raise awareness about their importance,minimize our ecologi
Awareness about wetlands
Wilna van Wyk
South Africa
I pledge to be a wetland warrior in the traveling industry. I will enjoy the recreational activities in an environmentally friendly manner. My goal is to respect the ecosystems and vow to never remove plants, feed animals, and never litter.
Moses Petrus
A Natural Resources Officer-Intern I pledge to increase awareness on the importance of our wetlands and to work with communities living near wetlands of National importance to ensure they are protected and wetland resources are utilized sustainably.
Richard Sambolah
I am a natural resource manager and a Conservationist. I pledge to ensure building young people's knowledge in creating awareness on the the importance and sustainable management of wetlands in Liberia and the West African sub region.
Bekumba Adolf Metta
I pledge to be a guardian of wetlands, to protect and restore these vital ecosystems that are essential for our planet's health and well-being. Together, let's combat climate change, preserve biodiversity, and a sustainable future for all.
Komal Umbare
Being Biotechnologist, I pledge to spread awareness about the conservation of wetlands among faculty members and my students. Conservation of wetland will balance the ecosystems.
Sakshi Parkhee
As a Biotechnologist I pledge to serve our environment. I plan to do more effective science communication about wetlands and their contribution to us and I pledge to help preserve existing wetlands.
Bawuah Sylvester
I pledge to contribute my quota in educating Ghanaians on the need to protect Wetlands. I further pledge to support agenda's that will yield positive attitude and actions among the entire populace to care for the safety of Wetlands.
Andrej Saxa
Participate in monitoring the status of wetlands and their protection in Slovakia and assist in water retention in the country.
Nandini Soude
I pledge to cherish and safeguard the delicate beauty of wetlands, I commit to actively engaging in initiatives that nurture and preserve our environment, together let us unite in our dedication to the health and vitality of our planet.
Thirumalai M
I pledge to improve my awareness on the importance of wetlands and how I can help the wetlands in my area, as well as to educate those around me.
Aayush Singh
I pledge to make aware to people about our diverse earth which is full of natural resources.Especially to save wetland around us.
Ashwini Yadav
Being a Educational Officer working in the ULB I pledge to create awareness among the students, teachers all society members in the Pune, Maharashtra about caring, nurturing and suporting the valuable wetlands of Pune to mitigate climate change.
Ciara Madin
United Kingdom
I pledge to improve my awarness on the importance of wetlands and how I can help the wetlands in my area, as well as to educate those around me.
Bishal Sinha
I pledge to cherish and protect our wetlands, vital ecosystems that sustain life. I'll raise awareness about their importance, minimise my ecological footprint, and actively participate in local conservation efforts.
Alok Kumar Jha
On World Wetlands Day, I pledge to raise awareness and protect these vital ecosystems. Let's safeguard our wetlands for future generations and promote sustainable practices for a healthier planet.
Gourav Purandare
I pledge to save and protect wetlands. I believe wetlands are important for human wellbeing and sustenance. I will make every effort to spread environmental awareness regarding the importance of conservation of wetlands among the masses.
Clement Abaidoo
I pledge to influence the conscience and attitudes of the Ghanaian people through intense advocacy and sensitization on the need to protect Wetlands. I pledge to promote positive actions among the populace to ensure the safety of Wetlands.
Muhammad luqman
I pledge to create awareness among the masses about significance of wetlands in an ecosystem especially in a country like Pakistan , badly affected by climate change.
Anurag Mishra
“Wetlands and Human Wellbeing” speaks itself for interdependency of their survival... Let us and nature bloom together on sustainable mode so our upcoming generations and our common future hail the beauty of mother Earth.
I pledge to save and protect wetlands. I believe wetlands are important for human wellbeing and sustenance. I will make every effort to spread environmental awareness regarding the importance of conservation of wetlands among the masses.
Rishabh Raj
I pledge that I will aware people regarding the benefits of having our wetlands clean and make it & keep it clean.
Mahendra Kumar Mishra
I pledge to aware people in and around my area to protect various wetlands for the better future of Our People as we;ll as animals
Manohar Mungekar
I on this auspicious day ,world wetlands day, pledge to support the preservation of wetlands and spread awareness in society about the importance of wetlands and work together to ensure healthy world
Charansing Rajput
Today as a Indian and world citizen would like to pledge to conserve and protect wetlands health.
Prodip Sahoo
I pledge to give my effort to conserve wetland through awareness among the public, including students of different levels for well being of flora - fauna and human being to save the Earth.
Amit Gaurav
On this auspicious occasion of World Wetlands Day 2024, we must pledge to conserve biodiversity and also provide sustainable insights for a viable ecosystem & environment. Our collaborative actions will heave a sigh of relief to waterfowl species.
Prof. Prem raj Pushpakaran
Prof. Prem raj Pushpakaran -- Wetlands of Kerala are on the brink of destruction due to anthropogenic activities. Mass awareness campaign need to be done to protect them https://www.youth4work.com/y/profpremrajpushpakaran/Prof-Prem-raj-P-popularity
Alfred Noble
I pledge to promote preservation of Wetlands and encourage others to support in projects safeguarding our nature. Vitality and diversity of Wetlands makes it essential of balance in environment. I am committed to put more contribution in the mission.
Mehak .
I pledge to protect and preserve wetlands, which play a crucial role in sustaining and enhancing the quality of our lives, by fostering conservation, safeguarding, and promoting sustainable practices. I pledge to be a guardian of wetlands. I pledge t
Chitra Prakash
I pledge to work and contribute towards the conservation of wetlands through the adoption of eco-friendly and sustainable practices and creating awareness on the importance of wetlands to multiple stakeholders.
Renu Suyal
Wetlands are vital ecosystems and help in mitigating climate change impact. I pledge to continuously work towards their conservation and sustainable management. Let's safeguard biodiversity and water resources together. # Wetland Conservation.
Sarah Bradbury
- I donated to Ducks Unlimited Canada, a national leader in wetland conservation - I am helping to STOP the 413 highway from being built through Ontario's Greenbelt/wetlands by supporting Environmental Defence through rallying, donations, letters...
Kashif Syed
In my home town Badin in Pakistan we made a 3 kilometers long embankment in 2012 on selfhelp basics and today it's serving as a great resource, providing fish, agriculture and livelihood.
Chander Parkash
I take a pledge to aware students, faculties and stakeholders of the wetlands about their importance, functions & values. I shall motivate the people to understand the importance of vitality and sustainability these fragile ecosystems.
Engineer Naseem Iqubal
We take to pledge world wetlands day. We protect our environment and ,land,animal, water resources.to save our wildlife .save Sundarbans delta .save Jammu Kashmir valleys area tree . To protect our environment.
Anish Dua
Celebrating World Wetlands Day, I commit myself for sustainability-restoration-awareness
Tausif Ahmad
Biodiversity is important for the health of our planet and our survival as well. Keep restoring the natural environment. Wetlands are habitats for mangrove forests and wildlife. Wetlands have natural functions; let them play their part
Amol Sawant
मैं आर्द्रभूमि के संरक्षण और देखभाल को बढ़ावा देने की प्रतिज्ञा करता हूं, इस ग्रह के स्वास्थ्य और इसमें रहने वाले हम लोगों के स्वास्थ्य के लिए व्यक्तियों और समुदायों में प्रकृति से जुड़ाव, पर्यावरण-जागरूकता, करुणा और पर्यावरण-समर्थक सशक्तिकरण के तरीक
Lalit Pathak
Multi-pronged strategy: raise public awareness, revive indigenous knowledge, implement ecosystem-based practices, & sociotechnical interventions, & actionable policies are crucial for safeguarding wetlands & their biodiversity.
Sarita Emmanuel
Trinidad & Tobago
Wetlands are the most amazing ecosystems on this planet! They are so diverse and filled with a massive amount of ecosystem functions. I plan to do more effective science communication about wetlands and their contributions to us!
Helen Murphy
I pledge to promote preservation and care of wetlands, seeking ways to build nature connectedness, eco-awareness, compassion and pro-environmental empowerment in individuals and communities for the health of the planet and we who inhabit her.
أحمد صدقي
أتعهد بالمساهمة في التحسيس بأهمية الحفاظ على المناطق الرطبة وضمان استغلالها المعقلن خصوصا في صفوف الناشئة وعلى أساس قاعدة التعبئة الواعية لمجابهة مصادر التغير المناخي ومقاربة درء و استباق المخاطر البيئية واستثمار الفرص المتاحة
Liliana Novoa Rodríguez
A partir de la educación ambiental desde la Red Conejera y desde nuestras escuelas, enseñamos la importancia de los humedales de Suba y de Bogotá y trabajamos con la comunidad por su cuidado, conservación y restauración. Seguiremos trabajando en ello
Manu Jain
Be mindful of consumption and conscious about the impact which is affecting our environment particularly air, water.
Dalmeny Primary School
United Kingdom
We pledge to all do our best at conserving water, put our rubbish in bins, recycle more and try to walk as many places as we can go by foot.
முத்து திவாகர்
நான் அனைத்து மக்களுக்கும் சதுப்புநில வளத்தை பாதுகாத்து அதன் பல்லுயிர் வளர்ச்சியை ஊக்குவிக்கும் வகையில் அனைவருக்கும் விழிப்புணர்வு ஏற்படுத்தி கொண்டிருக்கிறேன். நான் சதுப்புநில வளத்தை காப்பேன்.முத்து திவாகர் அறிவியல் தொடர்பாளர்
Kirsten Lyons
United States
I pledge to protect and sustain wetlands in my community by raising awareness of the importance of wetlands and engaging people in stewardship of wetlands.
Air_Alycia Aaaaa
I pledge do no harm wetlands, vital for biodiversity.
Ralph Lauren Abainza
We, at ScienceKonek, stand with fellow advocates of the planet and commit to raising awareness about the importance of wetlands and advocating for their preservation.
Mark Eadie
United Kingdom
I pledge to help preserve existing wetlands and work to improve both the area and quality of wetlands. I would like, particularly, to see improvements worldwide in how peatlands can be protected, managed and expanded for future generations.
Naomi Haines
United Kingdom
I pledge to keep caring for the wetland where I live, keep feeding all the waterfowl few times a day as I have been doing for the past 5 years and finding help for the sick and injured in collaboration with some amazing local rescue volunteers.
Thomas Pfeifer
United States
I pledge to educate ,inform and be a strong advocate for environmental stewardship of our remaining wetlands.We must not only pledge.We must act! "We have come too far, we have sacrificed too much to disdain the future now." John F Kennedy
Muhammad Bilal Khan
I pledge to protect wetlands for a healthier planet and people. By raising awareness and advocating for their conservation, let's ensure the well-being of both wetlands and communities
Joaquin Yammil Ramirez Angulo
Vigilar que los espejos de agua de las lagunas en el Geoparque Mundial de la UNESCO Colca y volcanes de Andagua permanezcan con su volumen de agua de forma permanente para beneficio de las comunidades originarias en el sur de Peru
Akhter Hussain Najar
I take a pledge to conserve our wetlands and take necessary actions for further sensitization towards community for same.
Priyanka Arya
Understanding wetland ecosystem and its importance is the hour of need, during the present time of water scarcity. Knowing the value of its biodiversity & services is crucial for sustainable availability of water in future and we should protect them.
Duncan Holmes
United Kingdom
We, the Broads Society, pledge to protect and enhance the Broads’ environment, heritage, and recreation. Committed to stewardship, we ensure this sanctuary thrives for all, fostering well-being and wonder.
Richard Stephenson
United Kingdom
I pledge to protect and increase the biodiversity of the reclaimed industrial wasteland our charity has cleaned up and converted to a wetland nature reserve in the heart of a town and help young people learn the magic of conservation.
We pledge to protect our precious Wetlands. We commit to raise awareness about Wetlands and their importance in our ecosystem, and encourage people to support wetlands conservation and restoration.
kamel hassn
I am going to study many Wetlands from my country to make it a protected area also increased awareness about it.
Mazen Al-Shaibani
اتعهد انا في جعل الأرض رطبة وضرورية في بلدي لتحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة والسعي للحفاظ على توازنها البيئي والتنوع البيولوجي
Mazen Al-Shaibani
I pledge to make the earth moist and necessary to achieve sustainable development goals and to strive to preserve its environmental balance and biodiversity.
SOA(Sanho Ocean Allies) by Splats
South Korea
소셜 미디어와 플랫폼을 통한 교육 및 인식 제고 활동을 통해, 우리는 이 생태계들의 중요성을 강조하고 지속 가능한 미래를 위한 긍정적인 변화를 이끌 것입니다. 이것이 우리의 서약입니다
SOA(Sanho Ocean Allies) by Splats
South Korea
우리는 습지와 산호초의 보호에 전념합니다. 이들은 기후 변화와 해수면 상승에 취약한 생태계로, 생물다양성과 해양 건강의 보존이 필수적입니다. 우리는 이 중요한 문제를 널리 알리고, 지역사회와 협력하여 습지와 산호초를 보호하기 위한 구체적인 조치를 취할 것입니다. 소셜 미디어와 플랫폼을 통한 교육 및 인식 제고 활동을 통해, 우리는 이 생태계들의 중요성을 강조하고 지속 가능한 미래를 위한 긍정적인 변화를 이끌 것입니다. 이것이 우리의 서약입니다
Sri Chamarajendra Zoological Gardens, Mysuru
We pledge to safeguard wetlands, critical ecosystems vital for life sustenance. We dedicate ourselves to raise awareness and reduce our ecological footprint and contribute for a sustainable future.
Swati Verma
I , Principal ,Riverside Academy ,Gomtinagar, U.P. India, raise the awareness through Wetland quizzes and pledge through Students to protect the wetlands including birds/aquatic flora /fauna, biodiversity and conserve water as life line.
Abhishek Mani
Wetland Conservation Pledge for Odisha India We, the stewards of Odisha's rich biodiversity, fervently pledge to undertake bold actions for the preservation and sustainable management of our invaluable wetlands.
Jada Neema
I pledge to raise awareness about the importance of coastal wetlands to my community including kids my age and on my social media platforms, to protect and help restore our coastal wetlands through mangrove planting and ocean literacy.
CPA Conducta Proambiental A.C
Como Asociación Civil nos comprometemos a ser agentes de cambio, dando a conocer la importancia de los humedales para el bienestar humano, informando e incidiendo en nuestra comunidad para impulsar buenas acciones y el cuidado de los ecosistemas.
Democratic Republic of Congo
Je tiens à soutenir la protection des eaux des zones humides, car ces sont ses eaux humides qui nous fait et nous fera vivre. C'est ainsi que je m'engage à une bonne sensibilisation de la riveraine des ces zones humides de bien les protéger.
Elianne Sylvie PANGOU
Je voudrais sensibiliser les jeunes sur les zones humides car ses zones humides sont essentielles pour notre alimentation de l'humanité. La prise de conscience de chaque humain changera nos actions envers nos précieux écosystèmes.
Mokgadi Maloba
South Africa
My pledge is to use my platform and network to raise awareness of the value of wetlands and the impact of their degradation on the environment and society.
Goitsemang Mogotsi
South Africa
i pledge to use the platform and resources i have to voice for the conservation of wetlands. I pledge to ensure that no damage is done to artificial and natural wetlands in my line of work.
Maria Pilar Alvarez Zanabria
Formar grupos de iniciativa ciudadana para concientizar sobre la importancia de los Pantanos de Villa para la biodiversidad y para nuestro bienestar integral.
Asiya Khan
I pledge to raise awareness about the importance of these delicate yet important ecosystems and try to be a part of solution to raising issues of Wetland conservation. I pledge to protect them and preserve them for the larger benefit of this planet.
Michel Vélez Rodríguez
Mi promesa es ayudar a limpiar y quitar la basura y escombro que han arrojado al Parque Urbano Ecológico de Uruapan San francisco de Asís en Michoacán ,limpiar y proteger para lograr la restauración y conservación de la flora y fauna del mismo.
Rebekah Delahoy
Our homeschooling nature group has pledged to reduce plastic pollution in wetlands by picking up litter and always putting our rubbish in the bin
Madalitso Maleka
I pledge to protect wetlands, vital for biodiversity, water filtration, and flood prevention. I'll raise awareness, conserve, and advocate for policies preserving these ecosystems. Together, let's safeguard our planet's lifelines.
Me comprometo a llevar a cabo acciones institucionales y locales para crear conciencia entorno a la gestión de residuos que van a dar a los humedales de todos los tipos y con ello preservar su existencia así como difundir su importancia para la vida.
Kayombo Allan
I pledge to actively support and protect wetlands, recognizing their crucial role in biodiversity, water filtration, and flood prevention. I commit to raising awareness, participating in conservation efforts, and advocating for policies that........
I pledge to protect, save and Secure the wetland sources, the benefits of the wetland can never go unnoticed and therefore my efforts can really help secure the sources of wetland across the globe .
Twarit & Nivedita Tiwari
"I pledge to protect and preserve wetlands, recognizing their vital role in sustaining life and biodiversity. I commit to advocating for their conservation, educating others about their importance, participating in restoration efforts, dedicating my
Shitla Pradad TIWARI
I pledge to protect and preserve wetlands, recognizing their vital role in sustaining life and biodiversity. I commit to advocating for their conservation, educating others about their importance, participating in restoration efforts, and dedicating
Michael Anderson
United States
I pledge to educate people living in the Mississippi River basin about the importance of wetlands. These ecosystems are sacred and interconnected; life depends on them. It's time we do more - not less - to protect our wetlands.
Manash Pratim Dutta
Wetlands are nature’s kidneys.It helps keep the ecosystem clean and alive.Like the kidneys if the wetlands destroy, nature will start to become toxic.I have pledged to protect and conserve the reservoirs around Dhakuakhana (Kowabari, Maghua Chuk.)
"I pledge to protect and preserve wetlands, recognizing their vital role in sustaining life and biodiversity. I commit to advocating for their conservation, educating others about their importance, participating in restoration efforts
Keshoba Krishna Chatradhara
The Wetlands help keep the ecosystem alive. They are like mother earth's kidneys. Once it fails, the intoxication begins. I hereby pledge to dedicate my efforts towards the preservation of the wetlands in the vicinity, specifically the Bordoibam
Khaing Su Wai
Burma (Myanmar)
I will make a social awareness campaign. I will post about the wetlands with quiz questions and will give a present to those who correct the answer.
Madeline Kiser
Costa Rica
As members of the Living Rivers Movement in Costa Rica, we pledge to continue asking hard questions about the Terraba-Sierpe Wetland, a Ramsar site endangered, in part, by sediment originating from pineapple fields owned by Fresh Del Monte.
Sanjay Sehgal
I pledge to create awareness about wetlands and the need to conserve wetlands to highlight their role in promoting sustainability, human life and environment conservation...
Gopal Nagarajan
I Pledge to conserve the wetlands of Karur District, Tamil Nadu, India. I know the importance of wetlands in receding GHG emissions and fostering biodiversity. I Protect the wetlands by creating awareness among youngsters. I work to save wetlands.
Mayur Bawri
Wetlands are the most productive ecosystem of the World, I pledge to conserve Deepor Beel Wetland which is a lone Ramsar Site in Assam. The IKI-LLBCP is supporting Nature Environment & Wildlife Society to work for the wellbeing of this wetland.
Mansur Alam
Dedicated to Lake Urpad Beel, I pledge for sustainable tourism, safeguarding biodiversity. Let's preserve the beauty of Assam's Goalpara district. Join me in nurturing our environment
CEA Casa di Ramsar Trinitapoli
Realizzeremo azioni per la Zona Umida della Salina di Margherita di Savoia. Obiettivi: Incrementeremo habitat, siti per la nidificazione per gli uccelli e attività di Educazione Ambientale. Aiuteremo il dialogo fra istituzioni e comunità locali.
I will get more Awareness about wetlands and will give awareness to others, school students because I am residing in a district Ropar( having two Ramsar site Tag wetlands ROPAR and NANGAL) in State Punjab of India and wetlands are most important
I will get myself aware about wetlands and will give awareness to others most likely School going Students in State Punjab of India . Because I am residing in District ROPAR (which have Two Ramsar Site Tag wetland Ropar , NANGAL)and of Punjab, India
Zakir Hossain
Due to side-effects from Development, 'Shimul Bhanga'- the only canal in our farming community is about to die again. 'Farmers' Voice (Krisoker Sor)' pledge to accelerate the efforts of renovating and restoring the canal and adjacent wetlands.
Maria Mas
We do not know how important wetlands are for bat conservation until we focus our efforts on assessing it. Threatened Mediterranean wetlands will represent essential habitat for the resilience of threatened bat populations.
Thy Lâm
Cam kết hành động vì vùng đất ngập nước
I pledge to undertake necessary actions and join hands with different stakeholders to protect and conserve our wetlands. We shall keep the wetlands free from solid & liquid waste, create awareness and motivate others.
Ngân Lê
Tôi cam kết rằng đất nước chúng ta sẽ ngày càng phát triển hơn và sẽ không phá hoại thiên nhiên hay làm ô nhiễm môi trường thay vào đó mọi người sẽ cùng chung tay làm cho môi trường nước sạch sẽ hơn đến hệ sinh thái của nước ta.
I pledge to protect and preserve wetlands, which play a crucial role in sustaining and enhancing the quality of our lives, by fostering conservation, safeguarding, and promoting sustainable practices. I pledge to be a guardian of wetlands.
Neeraj Chawla
Synonym of water is ‘LIFE’ (Jal he Jeevan hai). I pledge to conserve wetlands and nature. If the delicate balance of nature and life is distributed or damaged there will be catastrophe. Please, protect nature by all means. #savenaturesaveself
Janeth Acosta
Motivar para que muchos campus educativos en la localidad donde laboro como docente, construyan un humedal artificial y éste sea aprovechado para sensibilizar a la comunidad de la importancia del cuidado y conservación de este ecosistema
Paul Rice
United Kingdom
Broads Watch will continue to help wildlife around the Norfolk & Suffolk Broads and help to promote water safety and support communities in emergencies such as major weather events. We will monitor and do practical works to portect our wetlands
Munish Kumar
I pledge to serve our environment.always ready for plantation,protect tress,stop single use plastic,serve for protect and rebuilt our wetlands.
Maura Farrell Miller
United States
I pledge to care for and sustain the wetlands and ecosystem of the Loxahatchee River Slough.
Engr M. Danish
Extreme scenarios of climate changes are affecting the whole life cycle of ecosystem. There as a human and professional in conservation, I pledge on behalf of Soil and Water conservation Research Institute Chakwal that we will make +ve impactful tech
Joseph Lieb
United States
I pledge to educate, protect and to care for the air quality, the soil, the worlds wetlands with my children and grandchildren.
Harris Raj Kumar
I pledge to continuously bring positive impact to waste management that is affecting our wetlands, rivers and seas. Awareness, realization and education is the key to change.
Raman Kant (Riverman of India)
We will completely revive a wetland in 2024. Will prepare data of wetlands on the banks of Hindon and East Kali rivers.
Abudi Razak
I pledge to protect our planet, combat climate change, and secure a sustainable future for all. I will reduce my carbon footprint, embrace renewable energy, and promote conservation. I commit to raising awareness and advocating for policy changes.
Basile MPATI
Republic of Congo
J'accompagnerai, de jour que de nuit les peuples autochtones et les communautés locales à connaitre, comprendre, et sécuriser la noblesse de leur espace vitale pour eux, pour les générations futures et pour l'humanité. Impératif tourbes du CONGO!
Naif Almalki
Saudi Arabia
I pledge to support and promote sustainable practices in my beloved country and the region. This includes reducing carbon footprint by working towards raising awareness, adapt circular economy, and nature base solutions practices.
Devesh Vaidya
I pledge to make a positive impact on the environment, recognizing that small actions collectively create significant change. I commit to reducing my ecological footprint by practicing sustainable habits, conserving resources.
Esther Bonilla
Continuar con proyectos y campañas de Educación Ambiental con mis estudiantes y enseñarles a los niños el valor de los humedales. Mi compromiso docente será siempre a favor del medio ambiente para salvaguardar nuestra biodiversidad.
Delaware DNREC Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program
United States
Provide information, conduct research, educate through outreach, assess the status and health of wetland types throughout the state of Delaware.
Maria Carolina Las Casas
I pledge to share impactful photos of fishermen at work in wetlands. I will draw attention to the beauty of the ecosystem and emphasize the connection between nearby communities and natural resources via social media.
Fernanda Renée Samuel
Eu prometo continuar a mobilizar toda a sociedade angolana para a restauração das zonas húmidas degradadas e inspirá-los para a conservação destes ecossistemas de modo a revertermos a perda da sua biodiversidade e repormos a segurança das comunidades
Pedro Cantu
Seguir limpiando de escombro y basura los humedales del Parque Urbano Ecológico de Uruapan “San Francisco de Asís”, recuperarlos para su restauración biológica. URUAPAN MICHOACÁN
Sharon Reddy Dubbaka West Grove Primary School, Nature Club
I pledge, that with all my hardest attempts I will try with others to save the wetlands of the world. I hope people will get the heart to not cut down the pretty wetlands in their right mind. Let us all try to save the wetlands of our world!
Hagan Tay Peng Wei West Grove Primary, Nature Club
I pledge, that the wetlands that are left with the few and only the few if you cut the last bit of the wetlands there would be no such things as wetlands anymore so if you cut them the beautiful wetlands there will be no such thing as wetland.
Mindy Neo
Mindy Neo I pledge to share knowledge of wetlands with my students so we can go Make A Difference for our wetlands, Sungei Buloh Nature Reserve, protecting it for future generations to come.
Itai Roffman
Identify historic drained wetland sites by interviewing tribal elders, ask them their ancientt cultural significance, what endemic wildlife/plantlife lived there. Replant reed, lilly, papyrus etc and ask local councils to reflood them by open springs
Khaleel Chovva
On World Environment Day, I pledge to safeguard wetlands, nurture mangroves and champion the preservation of biodiversity for a sustainable and thriving planet.
Prof. H Manoranjan Sharma
I pledge to protect and preserve wetlands, which are the supermarket of the Earth and which play a crucial role in sustaining and enhancing the quality of our lives, by fostering conservation, preservation, and wise use of wetlands.
sowmya vernekar
I take the pledge to make conscious choices with regards to everything that will help save Nature . be it Water , Trees or any natural resources. I promise to support sustainable practices.
Dr. Manas Ranjan Senapati
I pledge to protect and preserve wetlands, which play a crucial role in sustaining and enhancing the quality of our lives, by fostering conservation, safeguarding, and promoting sustainable practices.
Joyce Koech
I pledge to be a guardian of wetlands, especially the invaluable mangroves. These natural wonders safeguard biodiversity and maintain the delicate balance of our climate.
Iryna Shchoka
Further study and raise awareness about European wetlands
Salman Safdar
United Arab Emirates
Save the wetlands as the future of the Earth depends on them. The wetlands are responsible for a very diverse ecosystem and the ecosystem will be spoiled if the wetlands cease to exist. The wetlands are part of our ecosystem and we should protect.
Mohammed Drihem
Je m'engage à continuer sur la voie de la sensibilisation des élèves des établissements scolaires de ma ville sur l'intérêt de la préservation et de la protection du plan d'eau le plus proche de la ville; en tant que zone humide.
Scovia Ampumuza
Embrace the beauty of wetlands, Protect invaluable ecosystems, For their preservation lies the key to a harmonious coexistence between nature and humanity where every action for conservation echoes through the ripple of environmental stewardship.
N'guessan Ludovic YAO
Ivory Coast
Renforcer les capacités des jeunes à s’impliquer dans la gestion rationnelle des zones humides. - Sensibiliser toutes les parties prenantes et bénéficiaires des zones humides à l’urgence de leur implication dans la gestion de ces dernières.
Israr Ahmad
Pledge to protect save and keep wetland clean and Green.
Bukola Suberu
I pledge to raise awareness of the importance of wetlands, engaging and educating local communities on the need to preserve, conserve and restore this critical ecosystem.
Fredy Komba
I pledge to protect all my region wetland as well as addressing the benefits, conserving the Biodiversity as well as being an ambassador.. Let's all unit to protect our current and future world
Cristhiam Flores
🌿 This World Wetland Day, I pledge to be a guardian of nature. I'll conserve water, support sustainable practices, protect biodiversity, and spread awareness. Together, let's ensure the health of our precious wetlands. 💙🌏 #WorldWetlandDay
Hasini Senthilkumaran
I pledge to actively engage in wetland restoration projects, educate my community about the significance of wetlands for human wellbeing, and advocate for sustainable practices to ensure the long-term conservation of these vital ecosystems.
Casey Tan
I pledge to raise awareness of the importance in conserving the wetlands, help teach others about the biodiversity there and help be more active in conservation efforts in a sustainable way.
Sivaani .k
I pledge to cherish and protect our wetlands,vital ecosystems that sustain life.I’ll raise awareness about their importance,minimise my ecological footprint,and actively participate in local conservation efforts.
Navin Yerukulla
I pledge to conserve wetlands and the rich biodiversity. I'll raise awareness to reduce pollution and participate in conservation efforts to educate other. As a steward, I'll ensure the vitality of wetlands for future generations
Norlinda Ishnin
Conducting voluntary biodiversity walks in wetland areas to spread awareness amongst the young children is a vital start to open up their senses to what this special place offers.
Marcela Jofre
30 años tomando muestras de agua de parámetros químicos, desde tabulación, máquinas hasta ,los 10 últimos años proyecto de sensores en línea, para toma de decisiones más sumado a toma de muestras para análisis de parámetros biológicos. Seguirémos
Arulkumar D
In lieu of World Wetlands Day celebration, I will organise wetland cleaning program and will give free saplings one school students one tree planting iniative. Students planting saplings at their home backyard and take selfie photo send to teacher.
Nsama Musonda Kearns
I pledge to increase awareness on the importance of our wetlands and to work with communities living near wetlands of National importance to ensure they are protected and wetland resources are utilized sustainably.
Heather McKnight
United Kingdom
Working with Welcome to the Swamp, a project that explores biodiversity through the arts, and through this raising awareness and campaigning for wetland preservation and restoration locally and globally.
Inonge Sakala
I pledge to continue advocating for the restoration and sustainable management of wetlands in order to help communities with climate mitigation and adaptation.
Maimuna Jawara
. I pledge to conserve and empower communities to rehabilitate degraded wetland areas and turn the tide towards maintenance and restoration of this valuable habitat.
Ashley Baloyi
South Africa
I pledge to host an event for stakeholders, role-players, land users and landowners to bring awareness and education. I will link it with Invasive Alien Species that occur in wetlands.
Dhanapalan Deepalayam
Wetlands make earth live to support life as veins and arteries our body support our life.
Jyotirmay Jena
I will actively advocate for the conservation, protection and restoration of wetlands, promoting policies that safeguard these critical habitats from degradation, pollution, and unsustainable development.
Datchanamoorthy Ramu
Sustainable Development Council pledges to act for wetlands, safeguarding biodiversity, and promoting sustainable practices. Committed to conserving these vital ecosystems for a resilient and harmonious future.
Marie Therese Merhej Seif
Wetlands act as natural water purifiers, filtering sediment and absorbing many pollutants in surface waters. In some wetland systems, this cleansing function also enhances the quality of groundwater supplies.
Thomas Schaefer
In the Living Lakes Network, since 25 years we pledge to support grassroot NGOs active in lake and wetland management worldwide with sharing knowledge and technologies and to foster the implementation of projects to conserve and restore wetlands.
Wetland as an unique natural resource. It's our duty to conserve it's ecosystem frm encroachment and invasive species
P Jayasundara
Sri Lanka
The wetlands in Sri Lanka are adversely affected by human activities . clearing of natural vegetation in and around wetlands and the spread of invasive species is a challenge We work together with youth , stakeholders to preserve valuable ecosystem .
Sangita Saxena
Wetlands act as natural water filters, mitigate floods, and serve as vital habitats for countless species. I pledge to raise awareness and educate local communities about the importance of wetlands, fostering a sense of responsibility.
Una Sandeman
I pledge to continue to fight to save Toondah Harbour Ramsar Wetlands in Moreton Bay, from developers destroying it with 3600 apartments out in the bay. The critically endangered Eastern Curlew migrates to Toondah to feed every year.
Wetlands provide wellbeing for human!! The reward is that in order to appreciate these valuable services of wetlands, we commit to protect these amazing ecosystems by any means and with any possibility. DUSHYANT KUMAR DPE GMSSS KARSAN CHANDIGARH
Stea Targe
Je m'engage à continuer à mieux comprendre les écosystèmes de la Terre, dont les zones humides sont des joyaux si peu connus. Je partagerai les savoirs par des récits à portée de tous, pour susciter émerveillement, responsabilité, engagement durable.
praveen raj
We pledge to protect and preserve wetlands, which play a crucial role in sustaining and enhancing the quality of our lives, by fostering conservation, safeguarding, and promoting sustainable practices.
Regina Mating
I pledge to educate Basotho on Conservation of wetlands as important ecosystems within Lesotho's rangelands
Farah Ali Farah
I pledge to help in restoration of Lorian swamp in Wajir County through my Ngo and with the help of the local community
Willis Benard Nyangule
I pledge to safeguard Lake Naivasha through heightened awareness and proactive measures. Inspired by the rich biodiversity it hosts, I commit to actively contribute to the conservation of this vital freshwater ecosystem, recognizing its significance
Beatriz Solis
En el Programa Mujeres Restaurando el Ecosistema; el 2 de febrero de 2024 llevaremos a cabo la presentación de Nuestro Programa de Restauración de los humedales El Encanto y Zumpango, Ilusión y Ensueño, en la Ciudad de Veracruz, Veracruz , México.
Praisemore Mapfumo
I do pledge to raise awareness about the importance of wetlands to the women and youths in my country Zimbabwe. Wetlands protect us from flooding, provide food, clean water and play a crucial role in combating climate change.
Lisa Cooper
French Southern Territories
Hello, MarketGirl.biz has made available our Google Maps Database for everyone. I am shutting down the company to spend more time with my family. I wish you a prosperous new year! Lisa Cooper MarketGirl.biz
Brave Imiete
Educating the indegenes of the coastal communities about the importance of wetlands to the environment and livelihood through Ocean literacy
Adedeji Adegoke
I personally commit to actively raising awareness about the critical importance of wetlands. I will share my knowledge regarding their ecological significance and the pivotal role they play in sustaining life.
Sulaiman Ahmeed
This is a pledge to continue to raise awareness on the importance of wetland, protecting them and engaging in sustainable development to foster economic growth in any country as I have always engaged in with ARCTIC INFRASTRUCTURE (AI).
Arjunan Elayaraja Arjunan
by the team AALAMARAM NGO, it was decided by them to first protect the mangroves which was almost in extinction. The volunteers then started procuring seeds by pooling funds by themselves and planting them along the marshy coasts of the backwaters.
Hamd Akhgar
Promoting public awareness against environmental damage with emphasis on children's education and using local elites
Francis Lenonya
I pledge to start raising awareness about the impirtances of wetlands in my family first, then to the entire community in my area. Wetlands keep ecosystem alive, they conserve nature and help to improve economy of any country in many aspects.
Jeymmy Walteros
Acciones de cambio y generación de conocimiento, un compromiso que continuo llevando a escuelas y universidades. Conocer para conservar
Bennittes Kipyegon
I pledge to protect and conserve wetlands as we have always done with Plus One Tree Initiative a community based organization I founded. We are located near two Ramsar sites Lake Baringo and Lake Bogoria.... We vow to always protect this sites for po
William Varney Vanjah
I pledge to raise awareness for the conservation of our precious ecosystem-wetlands. I've founded an organization called AquaCare Alliance And Wetlands Resilience Trust of Liberia in ensuring and fulfilling this promise. "Wetlands, our carbon sink".
Pablo Arturo López Guijosa
I pledge to raise awareness of the value of wetlands for nature, biodiversity, and for human beings. Only by understanding that we are interconnected and rely on wetlands will we be able to stop the degradation of these precious ecosystems.
Bayyavarapu Lakshmanudu
I pledge to protect our Wetlands.As I visited two Ramsar sites in 2023. Haiderpur wetland and Sandi birds sanctuary Uttar Pradesh.The beauty of birds,plants and water it is amazing feeling take a long breath 🫁... You never forget that smell 😊
Carmen Comendador
Seguiremos enseñando los valores de estos ecosistemas para que así puedan respetarse como se merecen. RBMH, lagunas de Villafranca de los Caballeros.
Oni Mataika
Fiji Islands
I pledge to protect our wetlands by means of awareness and action. I live by a mangrove ecosystem and am always at awe at the beautiful wildlife that lives there and also the role mangroves play in our tropical environment.
Israel Ramírez Zúñiga
Seguir impulsando acciones para el restablecimiento, restauración y conservación de los humedales continentales del norte del valle de México. Humedales para el bienestar de todos.
Clelia Ordaz
Tener el tema presente y constante sobre la importancia del tema para inculcar la importancia de los humedales.
Assane KA
Je m'engage à assurer la formation et la sensibilisation des communautés locales à l'importance des zones humides et à l'identification de l'ensemble des services écosystémiques fournis par ces écosystèmes afin de quantifier leur valeur économique.
Dieu Merci BAOPOKO
Democratic Republic of Congo
Je m'engage activement de participer aux actions locales individuelles et collectives pour restaurer les zones humides dégradées et Contribuer avec passion dans la préservation des sites en danger et conserver seuls en bon état. Ensemble, possible
Jay Aldous
I pledge to: • Make conscious choices to stop polluting wetlands; • Join the global effort to conserve and sustainably manage wetlands; and • Take part in wetland restoration efforts locally.
Reema Pant
Education, and sensitization is the driver to create collective consciousness in the population to help in conserving the rapidly declining wetlands and resolve to keep the global temperatures below1.5 degree. Conservation through collective efforts
Renjan Mathew Varghese
Wetlands are food and floodplains and they cater to two of our basic needs, food and water security. Hence, paddy fields, even if left fallow, should not be converted for other purposes. Wherever possible, collective farming should be encouraged.
Republic of Congo
Préserver les tourbières du paysage Lac Tumba - Lac Télé et les mangroves est un défis personnel, sauvegarde est un combat de tous les jours, car es zones humides étant le premier poumon écologique, le puits de stockage carbone le plus efficace.
Sadegh Sadeghi Zadegan
Wetlands provide wellbeing for human!! The reward is that in order to appreciate these valuable services of wetlands, we commit to protect these amazing ecosystems by any means and with any possibility.
Halima Ali
More focus is needed on drivers of wetland loss, through sectoral policy and other interventions.
John Ameru
We need to take care of wetlands because scaling up wetland protection and restoring converted or degraded wetlands is imperative to meet global climate and biodiversity targets.
Lisa Alpesa
Aland Islands
I pledge to take care of wetlands everyday since they are an important component of earth’s climate system, and crucial for water security and resilience.
Robert Prichard
United States
Talk to my friends an family about the importance of wetlands