Official website of World Wetlands Day by Ramsar - 2 February
World Wetlands Day Messages and Statements
Reino Unido
We pledge to go carbon zero by 2030 and to remove single use plastic from our school. Austin Hu
No single use plastics by using reusable water bottles and bags for grocery shopping. I will also dispose waste properly while also limiting my water usage for showers and hygiene. For my food consumption, I will select products with Fairtrade. Bertram Bree
It is among the largest and most biodiverse intertidal and shallow-water reef sites in Western Europe. The south-eastern coast of Jersey has one of Europe`s biggest Bottle-nosed Dolphin populations. Please create a website to celebrate the key site. Jose Ines Loria Palma
convertir nuestro espacio en un parque temático de la naturaleza en donde el humedal ocupa el 70% de nuestro territorio en donde las acciones de conservación garanticen una mejor calidad de vida. Humedales
Zona de la superficie terrestre que está temporal o permanentemente inundada.
Humedales continentales:
Marismas, lagos, ríos, llanuras de inundación, tuberas y pantanos
Humedales costeros:
Marismas de agua salada, estuarios, manglares, lagunas y arrecifes de coral
Humedales artificiales:
Estanques piscícolas, arrozales y salinas