On World Wetlands Day, WHO celebrates the vital role of wetlands in safeguarding human health and wellbeing amid the changing climate. Wetlands including marshes, swamps and floodplains are nature’s buffer against climate change. They absorb excess rainfall, reduce flooding risks and help to protect critical infrastructure including health facilities.

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World Wetlands Day Messages and Statements

henry william
Innovative trends in custom mailer box design for 2024 focus on sustainability, minimalism, personalization, and technology integration.
Kaushiki Patel
I ensure that ecosystem is well protected and preserved for the future generations for further livelihood , sustainability, reliability and choices of values.
Akhilesh Kumar Singh
"I pledge to protect and restore our wetlands. By acting sustainable practices, and raising awareness, together we can make a difference
Sameer Lande
Planet tree for river & clean river street my pledge

Zones humides

Surface émergée saturée d’eau ou inondée, soit en permanence, soit selon les saisons.

Zones humides continentales:

Marais, lacs, cours d’eau, plaines d’inondation, toubières et marécages  

Zones humides côtières:

Marais salés, estuaires, mangroves, et lagunes et récifs coralliens

Zones humides artificielles:

Etangs de pisciculture, rizières et marais salants

Galerie de photos des zones humides


Voir la galerie de photo

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